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replace one tag in content of one cell and format not changed

  1. #1
    replace one tag in content of one cell a

    replace one tag in content of one cell and format not changed

    replace one tag in content of one cell and format not changed
    I want to replace one tag '#abc#':
    for example, the content of cell is: 123#abc#456
    the format of '123' is Bold
    the color of '456' is red
    After replaced these formats of words don't be changed
    How can I do?
    Now if I use the function of replace, only one format is left

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: replace one tag in content of one cell and format not changed

    I think you'll have to loop through each cell.

    You'll have to keep track of the formatting for each character that's going to
    remain and apply that formatting after you remove the "tag" from the cell.

    And since your sample shows only digits remaining, you'll have to make sure that
    your cell is formatted as text--real numbers can't have this kind of formatting.

    Here's a slightly modified version of a previous post:

    Option Explicit
    Option Compare Text

    Type myCharacter
    myChar As String
    myLen As Long
    myName As String
    myFontStyle As String
    mySize As Double
    myStrikethrough As Boolean
    mySuperscript As Boolean
    mySubscript As Boolean
    myOutlineFont As Boolean
    myShadow As Boolean
    myUnderline As Long
    myColorIndex As Long
    End Type
    Sub testme()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim myWords As Variant
    Dim myNewWords As Variant
    Dim myRng As Range
    Dim foundCell As Range
    Dim iCtr As Long 'word counter
    Dim lCtr As Long 'length of string counter
    Dim cCtr As Long 'character counter
    Dim usedChars As Long
    Dim FirstAddress As String
    Dim AllFoundCells As Range
    Dim myCell As Range
    Dim myStr As String
    Dim myCharacters() As myCharacter

    myWords = Array("#abc#")
    myNewWords = Array("")

    Set myRng = Selection

    On Error Resume Next
    Set myRng = Intersect(myRng, _
    myRng.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues))
    On Error GoTo 0

    If myRng Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Please choose a range that contains text constants!"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    For iCtr = LBound(myWords) To UBound(myWords)
    FirstAddress = ""
    Set foundCell = Nothing
    With myRng
    Set foundCell = .Find(what:=myWords(iCtr), _
    LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart, _

    If foundCell Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox myWords(iCtr) & " wasn't found!"
    Set AllFoundCells = foundCell
    FirstAddress = foundCell.Address
    If AllFoundCells Is Nothing Then
    Set AllFoundCells = foundCell
    Set AllFoundCells = Union(foundCell, AllFoundCells)
    End If
    Set foundCell = .FindNext(foundCell)

    Loop While Not foundCell Is Nothing _
    And foundCell.Address <> FirstAddress
    End If

    End With

    If AllFoundCells Is Nothing Then
    'do nothing
    For Each myCell In AllFoundCells.Cells
    ReDim myCharacters(1 To Len(myCell.Value))
    usedChars = 0
    cCtr = 1
    lCtr = 0
    usedChars = usedChars + 1
    With myCell.Characters(cCtr, 1)
    myCharacters(usedChars).myName = .Font.Name
    myCharacters(usedChars).myFontStyle = .Font.FontStyle
    myCharacters(usedChars).mySize = .Font.Size
    myCharacters(usedChars).myStrikethrough _
    = .Font.Strikethrough
    myCharacters(usedChars).mySuperscript _
    = .Font.Superscript
    myCharacters(usedChars).mySubscript = .Font.Subscript
    myCharacters(usedChars).myOutlineFont _
    = .Font.OutlineFont
    myCharacters(usedChars).myShadow = .Font.Shadow
    myCharacters(usedChars).myUnderline = .Font.Underline
    myCharacters(usedChars).myColorIndex = .Font.ColorIndex

    If Mid(myCell.Value, cCtr, Len(myWords(iCtr))) _
    = myWords(iCtr) Then
    myCharacters(usedChars).myChar = myNewWords(iCtr)
    myCharacters(usedChars).myLen _
    = Len(myNewWords(iCtr))
    cCtr = cCtr + Len(myWords(iCtr))
    lCtr = lCtr + Len(myNewWords(iCtr))
    myCharacters(usedChars).myChar _
    = Mid(myCell.Value, cCtr, 1)
    myCharacters(usedChars).myLen = 1
    cCtr = cCtr + 1
    lCtr = lCtr + 1
    End If
    If cCtr > Len(myCell.Value) Then Exit Do
    End With

    myStr = Space(lCtr)
    lCtr = 1
    For cCtr = 1 To usedChars
    Mid(myStr, lCtr, myCharacters(cCtr).myLen) _
    = myCharacters(cCtr).myChar
    lCtr = lCtr + myCharacters(cCtr).myLen
    Next cCtr
    myCell.NumberFormat = "@"
    myCell.Value = myStr
    cCtr = 1
    lCtr = 1
    With myCell.Characters(lCtr, myCharacters(cCtr).myLen)
    .Font.Name = myCharacters(cCtr).myName
    .Font.FontStyle = myCharacters(cCtr).myFontStyle
    .Font.Size = myCharacters(cCtr).mySize
    .Font.Strikethrough _
    = myCharacters(cCtr).myStrikethrough
    .Font.Superscript = myCharacters(cCtr).mySuperscript
    .Font.Subscript = myCharacters(cCtr).mySubscript
    .Font.OutlineFont = myCharacters(cCtr).myOutlineFont
    .Font.Shadow = myCharacters(cCtr).myShadow
    .Font.Underline = myCharacters(cCtr).myUnderline
    .Font.ColorIndex = myCharacters(cCtr).myColorIndex
    End With
    lCtr = lCtr + myCharacters(cCtr).myLen
    cCtr = cCtr + 1
    If lCtr > Len(myStr) Then
    Exit Do
    End If
    Next myCell
    End If
    Next iCtr

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    End Sub

    If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

    replace one tag in content of one cell a wrote:
    > replace one tag in content of one cell and format not changed
    > I want to replace one tag '#abc#':
    > for example, the content of cell is: 123#abc#456
    > the format of '123' is Bold
    > the color of '456' is red
    > After replaced these formats of words don't be changed
    > How can I do?
    > VBScript?
    > Now if I use the function of replace, only one format is left


    Dave Peterson

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