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How Do I Eliminate the Serial Number for time from Date?

  1. #1
    Bob Gotti

    How Do I Eliminate the Serial Number for time from Date?

    I have a long spread sheet that has two columns of dates (Received and
    that I am importing into a pivot table and would like to use the dates in my
    less the time. For daily use, I do use the time with the date, but only
    want the date
    for use in the pivot table. How can I eliminate the time serial number,
    before importing
    into my pivot, apart from editing each individual cell?

    Have a \\\I/// Blessed Day,
    ( o o )
    --oOO-(_)-OOo-- Bob Gotti

  2. #2

    Re: How Do I Eliminate the Serial Number for time from Date?

    Dates are stored as whole numbers (days elapsed since the reference
    date), whereas times are stored as fractions of a 24 hour day. So, you
    can get the date part by


    if A1 holds your date/time combination. Format as required, then the
    formula can be copied down.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: How Do I Eliminate the Serial Number for time from Date?

    After you create the pivottable, you can rightclick on the date/time field and
    choose Group and show detail.

    Then Group, then by Days.

    Bob Gotti wrote:
    > I have a long spread sheet that has two columns of dates (Received and
    > Finished)
    > that I am importing into a pivot table and would like to use the dates in my
    > pivot,
    > less the time. For daily use, I do use the time with the date, but only
    > want the date
    > for use in the pivot table. How can I eliminate the time serial number,
    > before importing
    > into my pivot, apart from editing each individual cell?
    > Have a \\\I/// Blessed Day,
    > ( o o )
    > --oOO-(_)-OOo-- Bob Gotti


    Dave Peterson

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