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add one to cell below

  1. #1

    add one to cell below

    I am trying to create an inventory sheet -

    Column A - Part Number (always the same) (ex. 10-0A in cell 2A)
    Column B - Serial Number (needs to add 1 every new cell (ex. 0001 in cell B2
    and needs to be 0002 in cell B3))
    Column C - Invoice Description
    Column D - Product Details

    Is it possible to only add a new line when you start typing 10-0A in cell A3
    and have the serial number column B add 1 to be 0002 in that column?

    10-0A 0001

    If i click the cell below 10-0A and start typing is it possible to
    automatically in the cell under the 0001 in the serial number column to add
    +1 to make it 0002?


  2. #2
    Mark Lincoln

    Re: add one to cell below

    I would do this:

    Format your column B cells as "0000" in order to see leading zeros.

    in B3, type in the following formula:


    Copy this formula down Column B as far as you need to.

  3. #3

    Re: add one to cell below

    Thank you very much!


    "Mark Lincoln" wrote:

    > I would do this:
    > Format your column B cells as "0000" in order to see leading zeros.
    > in B3, type in the following formula:
    > =IF(A3<>"",B2+1,"")
    > Copy this formula down Column B as far as you need to.

  4. #4

    Re: add one to cell below

    Is there a way for when i print this if only 4 products are on the page to
    automatically hit print and not have extra pages print?

    "Mark Lincoln" wrote:

    > I would do this:
    > Format your column B cells as "0000" in order to see leading zeros.
    > in B3, type in the following formula:
    > =IF(A3<>"",B2+1,"")
    > Copy this formula down Column B as far as you need to.

  5. #5
    Mark Lincoln

    Re: add one to cell below

    I've amended this a bit from one of my own macros. Some of the experts
    on this list might have a more elegant solution. But having said

    This assumes no empty rows in the data range.

    Dim c as Range
    Dim LastRow as Integer
    Dim PrintRange as String

    Sub PrintDataUnits()
    For Each c In Range("A2:A5000").Cells
    If (c.Value) = "" Then
    LastRow = LTrim(Str(c.Row - 1))
    Exit For
    End If
    PrintRange = "A1:F" & LastRow ' <---Change F to match your last
    If LastRow <> "1" Then Range(PrintRange).PrintOut
    End Sub

    Hope this helps.

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