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Changing date format of cells

  1. #1

    Changing date format of cells

    I have an excel sheet that contains some dates (sample given below),
    entered in the "dd/mm/yyyy" format. But it seems excel is interpreting
    them as "mm/dd/yyyy". Whenever i try to do any date related stuff, such
    as change the format or group them together etc. It throws up on dates
    like "15/1/2006" and interprets "11/1/2006" as November - 1st - 2006

    Is there any way to change the way excel interprets these dates? Make
    them read them as "dd/mm/yyyy" rather than "mm/dd/yyyy"? Failing that,
    is there someway to automatically convert (using a macro for example)
    from one date format to other by swapping the day month fields? I just
    don't want to sit there and change/re-enter the dates manually


    Any help is much appreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: Changing date format of cells

    The general format of dates on your system is defined in Windows,
    system panel, regional and language settings. If you enter a date it is
    interpreted this way. If your settings were: DD.MM.YYYY and you would
    enter 02.25.2006 it would be treated as text, not date.

    Once you have antered a valid date, the formatting (format, cells, date
    or custom) defines how you want the date displayed.

    Use these to find how your entered dates are interpreted:


    Try formatting an input field and choose the custom formatting option
    and in the "type" box enter: DD/MM/YYYY (use capital letters)

    If that doesn't help, have a look how your fields are formatted (text
    or date) and you may have to come back.


  3. #3

    Re: Changing date format of cells

    The general format of dates on your system is defined in Windows,
    system panel, regional and language settings. If you enter a date it is
    interpreted this way. If your settings were: DD.MM.YYYY and you would
    enter 02.25.2006 it would be treated as text, not date.

    Once you have antered a valid date, the formatting (format, cells, date
    or custom) defines how you want the date displayed.

    Use these to find how your entered dates are interpreted:


    Try formatting an input field and choose the custom formatting option
    and in the "type" box enter: DD/MM/YYYY (use capital letters)

    If that doesn't help, have a look how your fields are formatted (text
    or date) and you may have to come back.


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