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Sorting numbers with differing numbers of digits

  1. #1

    Sorting numbers with differing numbers of digits

    We have a list of numbers that we are having difficulty sorting. For
    example, 7000-7100 should come after 700-710 because 7000 is more than 700.

    The text ABC-D and a space should also preceed each number. Can you please
    assist? Thanks.

  2. #2

    RE: Sorting numbers with differing numbers of digits

    Look in the help under "Default sort orders" to gain a better understanding
    of how Excel sorts data. I don't think you can change the sorting rules.
    You just have to learn to work around them. For example: If you want 700-710
    to come before 7000-7100 you will need to enter it as 0700-0710.

    "Trudy" wrote:

    > We have a list of numbers that we are having difficulty sorting. For
    > example, 7000-7100 should come after 700-710 because 7000 is more than 700.
    > The text ABC-D and a space should also preceed each number. Can you please
    > assist? Thanks.

  3. #3

    RE: Sorting numbers with differing numbers of digits

    Thank you! Our problem is that our client will not allow leading zeros. I
    was hoping to find a custom format that would solve this dilema.

    "Sloth" wrote:

    > Look in the help under "Default sort orders" to gain a better understanding
    > of how Excel sorts data. I don't think you can change the sorting rules.
    > You just have to learn to work around them. For example: If you want 700-710
    > to come before 7000-7100 you will need to enter it as 0700-0710.
    > "Trudy" wrote:
    > > We have a list of numbers that we are having difficulty sorting. For
    > > example, 7000-7100 should come after 700-710 because 7000 is more than 700.
    > >
    > > The text ABC-D and a space should also preceed each number. Can you please
    > > assist? Thanks.

  4. #4

    RE: Sorting numbers with differing numbers of digits

    I suppose you could use a helper column, and sort according to that column.
    You could use a formula like this to convert 700-710 to 0700-0710. You could
    then hide the helper column.


    "Trudy" wrote:

    > Thank you! Our problem is that our client will not allow leading zeros. I
    > was hoping to find a custom format that would solve this dilema.
    > "Sloth" wrote:
    > > Look in the help under "Default sort orders" to gain a better understanding
    > > of how Excel sorts data. I don't think you can change the sorting rules.
    > > You just have to learn to work around them. For example: If you want 700-710
    > > to come before 7000-7100 you will need to enter it as 0700-0710.
    > >
    > > "Trudy" wrote:
    > >
    > > > We have a list of numbers that we are having difficulty sorting. For
    > > > example, 7000-7100 should come after 700-710 because 7000 is more than 700.
    > > >
    > > > The text ABC-D and a space should also preceed each number. Can you please
    > > > assist? Thanks.

  5. #5
    Jim Cone

    Re: Sorting numbers with differing numbers of digits

    A commercial application by yours truly...
    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

  6. #6
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: Sorting numbers with differing numbers of digits

    On Wed, 1 Mar 2006 14:59:28 -0800, "Trudy" <[email protected]>

    >We have a list of numbers that we are having difficulty sorting. For
    >example, 7000-7100 should come after 700-710 because 7000 is more than 700.
    >The text ABC-D and a space should also preceed each number. Can you please
    >assist? Thanks.

    You will need to modify the data, but you can do it simply with worksheet

    With your original data in A2:An

    Assume you will display column B:

    B1: =--SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-","")

    Copy/Drag down to Bn.

    Select B1:Bn

    Type: [>1000000]"ABC-D "0000-0000;"ABC-D "000-000

    Then sort on Column B.

    This also assumes that your ranges are either both three digit ranges; or both
    four digit ranges. If there is more variability, post back.

    Also, one could Paste Special the Values over column B and delete column A.

    One could also do this with a macro if desirable.


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