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Paste Special Problem

  1. #1

    Paste Special Problem

    When doing a paste special (copy from one sheet, and paste special in a new
    sheet) I get a different dialog box. Instead of the default (paste special)
    window with radio buttons where I can select the the type of paste and
    operation, and there are skip blanks, transpose, and paste link options... I
    get a window (w/ same name "paste special") that says As: and a list of
    options, a display as icon box, and a results section on the bottom saying
    "Inserts the contents of the clipboard into your document..." How or is
    there a setting that needs to be changed so that it doesn't act like the
    copied data is an object/image? Why is it doing this (occurs randomly)??

  2. #2

    RE: Paste Special Problem

    additional info: I recently upgraded from XP to 2003, but the problem
    existed prior to the change.

    "ajkim001" wrote:

    > When doing a paste special (copy from one sheet, and paste special in a new
    > sheet) I get a different dialog box. Instead of the default (paste special)
    > window with radio buttons where I can select the the type of paste and
    > operation, and there are skip blanks, transpose, and paste link options... I
    > get a window (w/ same name "paste special") that says As: and a list of
    > options, a display as icon box, and a results section on the bottom saying
    > "Inserts the contents of the clipboard into your document..." How or is
    > there a setting that needs to be changed so that it doesn't act like the
    > copied data is an object/image? Why is it doing this (occurs randomly)??

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