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when is the next microsoft office excel going to be released?

  1. #1

    when is the next microsoft office excel going to be released?

    cI am wanting to purchase Microsoft office excel for my home Pc to
    co-ordinate with my job/office pc so I can send and recieve and open
    attacments from home to work & visa-versa, but I see the latest version is
    2003. Should I purchase such an old version or is there a newer version that
    would be compatible with 2000(at work)that I should wait for release to

  2. #2
    Nick Hodge

    Re: when is the next microsoft office excel going to be released?


    I suspect it will be released around autumn 2006, you can look at some
    preliminary detail here and see if it suits your needs. It will be
    compatible with previous versions with a little care.

    Check here


    Nick Hodge
    Microsoft MVP - Excel
    Southampton, England
    [email protected]HIS

    "Cyndi(KCMO)" <Cyndi(KCMO)@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > cI am wanting to purchase Microsoft office excel for my home Pc to
    > co-ordinate with my job/office pc so I can send and recieve and open
    > attacments from home to work & visa-versa, but I see the latest version is
    > 2003. Should I purchase such an old version or is there a newer version
    > that
    > would be compatible with 2000(at work)that I should wait for release to
    > purchase?

  3. #3
    Patricia Shannon

    Re: when is the next microsoft office excel going to be released?

    I would not buy it right away since you're going to be using it for work and
    it doesn't sound like you're a computer geek. Every system has bugs and
    problems when it first comes out that get fixed later in service packs.
    Well, every system has bugs and problems later, but at least the worst get
    fixed. As far as I can tell, Widows XP file explorer, Word 2003, and Excel
    2003 still don't provide an option to do a straight ASCII sort.

    "Nick Hodge" wrote:

    > Cyndi
    > I suspect it will be released around autumn 2006, you can look at some
    > preliminary detail here and see if it suits your needs. It will be
    > compatible with previous versions with a little care.
    > Check here
    > http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/default.mspx
    > --
    > HTH
    > Nick Hodge
    > Microsoft MVP - Excel
    > Southampton, England
    > www.nickhodge.co.uk
    > [email protected]HIS
    > "Cyndi(KCMO)" <Cyndi(KCMO)@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > cI am wanting to purchase Microsoft office excel for my home Pc to
    > > co-ordinate with my job/office pc so I can send and recieve and open
    > > attacments from home to work & visa-versa, but I see the latest version is
    > > 2003. Should I purchase such an old version or is there a newer version
    > > that
    > > would be compatible with 2000(at work)that I should wait for release to
    > > purchase?


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