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Removing Non-Numeric Characters - Automatically - How?

  1. #1

    Removing Non-Numeric Characters - Automatically - How?

    I am grabbing web query data to a sheet, but it comes in the form
    212 p
    954 p
    25.25 p
    555.00 p

    How can I automate the removal of the non numeric data?

  2. #2

    Re: Removing Non-Numeric Characters - Automatically - How?

    If your data always start with the number and there is no chance there
    will be a second number in the string, then the following *array*
    formula will extract the number in another column:


    Array formulas must be committed with Shift+Ctrl+Enter.

    Kostis Vezerides

  3. #3
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Removing Non-Numeric Characters - Automatically - How?

    If you only need to remove the right side of the cell contents, beginning
    with the space, try this:

    Select your range
    Find what: * (note: that is a space and an asterisk)
    Replace with: (leave this blank)
    Click the [Replace All] button

    Does that help?


    XL2002, WinXP-Pro

    "emerald" wrote:

    > I am grabbing web query data to a sheet, but it comes in the form
    > 212 p
    > 954 p
    > 25.25 p
    > 555.00 p
    > etc.
    > How can I automate the removal of the non numeric data?

  4. #4

    Re: Removing Non-Numeric Characters - Automatically - How?

    I get "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type."

    <<Does that help?
    Not really - it misses the 'Automatically' bit :-)

  5. #5

    Re: Removing Non-Numeric Characters - Automatically - How?

    What can I say... This formula will produce #VALUE! only if the cell is
    empty or does not start with a number. Are you sure you are using it
    properly? In my formula, replace A2 with whatever cell reference
    contains the number/text (2 replacements).

    If you are guaranteed that there will be a space after the number, you
    can try this simpler formula instead:

    =LEFT(A2, FIND(" ",A2)-1)

    This formula will also produce #VALUE! if no space is found in the text
    or in any of the above conditions. This one is NOT an array formula
    (simply press Enter). If used properly, the first version is more
    powerful (allows for no space).

    Does this help?


  6. #6

    Re: Removing Non-Numeric Characters - Automatically - How?

    macrof of Ron's solution:

    Range("D1:D4").Replace What:=" *", Replacement:=" ", LookAt:=xlPart, _
    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

    Just change range

    "emerald" wrote:

    > Kostis
    > I get "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type."
    > Ron
    > <<Does that help?
    > Not really - it misses the 'Automatically' bit :-)

  7. #7

    Data->Text to Columns

    How much more automatic can you expect? It takes about 5 seconds to do an
    entire list this way. There are no formulas, no copying and pasting values.
    Find and Replace is usually the desired way to go, if you can do it.

    Data text to columns will also take apart the cells. Just make sure there
    is nothing to the right of the cells, and then select Data->Text to columns.
    Then select delimited and choose "space" as your delimiter. After it's done,
    just delete all the columns except the first one. If you paste as text after
    you have done this once on an open document, it will split the cells
    automatically. You still have to delete the cells containing text though.

    "emerald" wrote:

    > Kostis
    > I get "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type."
    > Ron
    > <<Does that help?
    > Not really - it misses the 'Automatically' bit :-)

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