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Presever formatting on Data sheet in Pivot table

  1. #1

    Presever formatting on Data sheet in Pivot table

    Dear users,

    I have a sheet with data which i need to update during the day. I need to
    put cells that have changed compared to earlier that day in bold. Afterwards
    I make a pivot table, but I need the pivot table to also show the values that
    I have put in bold in the data sheet. I would like to avoid having to
    highlight the changes manually in the pivot table so any suggestions on how
    to do this easily are highly appreciated.



  2. #2
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Presever formatting on Data sheet in Pivot table

    The pivot table can't display cell formatting from the source list.
    Perhaps you could mark another column, to indicate which records have
    been changed. Then, add that marker field to the pivot table.

    RMF wrote:
    > Dear users,
    > I have a sheet with data which i need to update during the day. I need to
    > put cells that have changed compared to earlier that day in bold. Afterwards
    > I make a pivot table, but I need the pivot table to also show the values that
    > I have put in bold in the data sheet. I would like to avoid having to
    > highlight the changes manually in the pivot table so any suggestions on how
    > to do this easily are highly appreciated.
    > thnks,
    > RMF

    Debra Dalgleish

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