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Help sorting data into own column

  1. #1

    Help sorting data into own column

    Hi all

    I want to copy and paste lottery results from previous from this site
    http://www.irishlotto.net/main-results/2005.htm but the info is all in
    one cell.
    How can I get rid of the data I do not require and just keep the date
    of the draw in one cell, the 6 numbers in another cell and the bonus
    ball number in a 3rd cell.
    I want to have like 3 columns headed DATE OF DRAW NUMBERS BONUS.
    If anyone could show me how to do this easily I would be most grateful.
    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Dave O

    Re: Help sorting data into own column

    Do you really want just 3 columns? Presumably you are importing this
    to Excel so you can perform statistical analysis on the results,
    perhaps a frequency count to determine the most commonly occurring
    numbers. If that's the case you'll need the numbers in their
    individual cells.

    For just three columns, try this: copy the data on the website into the
    clipboard, open a blank spreadsheet, and paste into cell A1. Highlight
    Column A and from the menu click >Data >Text to Columns, choose the
    Delimited radio button, and click Next. In the next window's Delimiters
    box, select Other and enter a - in the box, then click the Treat
    Consecutive Delimiters as One checkbox. Click Finish, and the three
    columns appear. You can clean up that leading comma in column B by
    inserting a new column immediately to the right of column B and
    entering this formula in C1:
    ....then copy and paste that down for remaining dates.

    If you would like to have each number in its own cell for statistical
    analysis, follow the same process as above, but select the Comma
    checkbox for your delimiter.

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