In cell C32:C40 I have the formula below:
=IF(OR(A32="",B32=""),"",SUMPRODUCT(('Bolt List'!$D$9:$D$188=A32)*('Bolt
List'!$J$9:$J$188=B32)*('Bolt List'!$E$9:$E$188="SAE Gr.5 Min. Cad.
Plated"),'Bolt List'!$C$9:$C$188))

And in cell D32:D40 I have the following formula: =C32+(C32*0.05)

Data is only in C32:C:33 for the moment & I get answers in cell D32:D33.
Cell C34:C40 do not have entries yet, so I get "#VALUE" in cells D34:D40
Is there a simple remedy to not showing this?

Thank you in advance.
