Hi all,

I have a spreadsheet with about 2000 rows of information (15 columns),
and the first column represents what I'm wanting to split by. Of the
2000 rows, there are 28 different possibilities.

What I'm trying to do is split the worksheet into 28 different files,
based on what's in the first column.

For example, let's say the first row is (where the > represents a tab):

America > Monkey > Tree

And the second row is:

Australia > Alligator > Swamp

I would want to create a new file named America.xls (or .csv, or .txt;
that doesn't matter) with the first row of:

Monkey > Tree

At the same time, a second file named Australia.xls would be created,
and so on and so forth.

Is there an automated way to do this?

