Dear Experts,

I have two separate pieces of code create on two different Sub as per below:

Sub PromoTrack()

Dim Counter As Long
Dim Source As Workbook
Dim Destination As Workbook

Const MyDir As String = "c:\PromoTrack\MSA\"

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For Counter = 7800 To 7809
        Set Source = Workbooks.Open(MyDir & Counter & ".msa")
        If Counter = 7800 Then
            Set Destination = ActiveWorkbook
            ActiveSheet.Name = Counter
            Source.Worksheets.Copy After:=Destination.Worksheets(Destination.Worksheets.Count)
            Destination.Worksheets(Destination.Worksheets.Count).Name = Counter
        End If
        Source.Close False

    Destination.SaveAs MyDir & "Summary.xls"

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    MsgBox "Done"

End Sub
Sub ReadMSA()

Dim nCol, J, i As Integer

Workbooks.OpenText FileName:="C:\PromoTrack\MSA\7805.MSA"

nCol = 1

With ActiveSheet
    For J = 1 To 80
        If .Cells(J, nCol).Value = "lblProductCategory" Then
            .Cells(J, nCol + 1).Select
            .Cells(J, nCol + 1).Copy
        End If
Etc… etc…
    Next J

End With
End Sub
Could you please let me know how to combine the two? I know there will be changes in ReadMSA() as I am not using the same variables. Better yet, can you help me re-write ReadMSA() so that it is fully integrated in PromoTrack()?

I only want to copy the workbooks in PromoTrack() based on the content of the cell (B2) read via ReadMSA()

Does this makes sense?

Many thanks