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Question about Data->Text to Columns command

  1. #1

    Question about Data->Text to Columns command


    I am running Data->Text to Columns on the date column of my excel
    spreadsheet. I would like it to have the MM/DD/YYYY format. The only
    format available close to what I need is MDY which basically converts
    all values in the column into MM/DD/YY (only 2 digits for a year).

    Is there a way to specify the format that would keep year as 4-digit
    number? Is there a way to customize this command?

    I was adviced by one Excel guru to do this operation so I can correctly
    sort my spreadsheet by the date column.


  2. #2
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Question about Data->Text to Columns command

    Try this:

    Select your date cells
    <Format><Cells><Number tab>
    Category: Custom
    Type: mm/dd/yyyy

    Does that help?


    XL2002, WinXP-Pro

    "[email protected]" wrote:

    > Hi!
    > I am running Data->Text to Columns on the date column of my excel
    > spreadsheet. I would like it to have the MM/DD/YYYY format. The only
    > format available close to what I need is MDY which basically converts
    > all values in the column into MM/DD/YY (only 2 digits for a year).
    > Is there a way to specify the format that would keep year as 4-digit
    > number? Is there a way to customize this command?
    > I was adviced by one Excel guru to do this operation so I can correctly
    > sort my spreadsheet by the date column.
    > Thanks.

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    The Text-to-Columns wants to know the input format, (ie, MD or DM) it is not concerned with the output format.
    Dates are stored as numbers, see http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/datetime.htm for a more detailed explanation.
    You can set or pre-set the displayed Date to whatever form you wish.

    Hope this helps


    Quote Originally Posted by [email protected]

    I am running Data->Text to Columns on the date column of my excel
    spreadsheet. I would like it to have the MM/DD/YYYY format. The only
    format available close to what I need is MDY which basically converts
    all values in the column into MM/DD/YY (only 2 digits for a year).

    Is there a way to specify the format that would keep year as 4-digit
    number? Is there a way to customize this command?

    I was adviced by one Excel guru to do this operation so I can correctly
    sort my spreadsheet by the date column.


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