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Find corresponding values on another worksheet

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  1. #1

    Find corresponding values on another worksheet

    Hello folks,

    We decided to delete all rows on a worksheet that have Invoice Date as
    today. I have two worksheets with invoices. One has invoice dates and
    the other one doesn't. However, the same invoices are on both
    worksheets. For some reason, the other worksheet is not supposed to
    have Invoice Date and so it does not.

    My question is: It is easy enough to delete all invoices having today's
    date from the worksheet that has invoice date but how do I delete those
    same invoices from the other worksheet that has no Invoice Date? Is
    there a way to tell Excel to match up invoice numbers from the first
    worksheet to the second and delete from the second as well? Or maybe I
    can do some sort of lookup... Please help.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2

    Re: Find corresponding values on another worksheet

    Sounds like you need to flag those invoices on sheet2 (using a new
    helper column) to identify corresponding invoices on sheet1; perhaps Inv

    In sheet2 the new helper column put in:


    And copy down to bottom. Any cells that produce "1" (without the ""'s
    Are your matching invoices; Do an Auto-Filter on this column for the
    Then Delete them; then of course Unfilter and their gone.
    Now Delete the same Inv's from sheet1.

    Where B2:B6 are your InvNums on sheet1 and A2 is your Inv Num on Sheet2
    And where A2:A6 are your InvDates on Sheet1

    Hope that helps,

    Jim May

    "Reader" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]:

    > Hello folks,
    > We decided to delete all rows on a worksheet that have Invoice Date as
    > today. I have two worksheets with invoices. One has invoice dates and
    > the other one doesn't. However, the same invoices are on both
    > worksheets. For some reason, the other worksheet is not supposed to
    > have Invoice Date and so it does not.
    > My question is: It is easy enough to delete all invoices having today's
    > date from the worksheet that has invoice date but how do I delete those
    > same invoices from the other worksheet that has no Invoice Date? Is
    > there a way to tell Excel to match up invoice numbers from the first
    > worksheet to the second and delete from the second as well? Or maybe I
    > can do some sort of lookup... Please help.
    > Thanks for reading.

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