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Best 4 scores

  1. #1
    Nigel Greenwood

    Best 4 scores

    At our gliding (soaring) club we record club members' flights, scoring
    them according to a complex formula based on handicap, distance,
    height, etc. At the end of the season a grand total score is
    calculated for each member by totalling his/her 4 best (ie
    highest-scoring) flights. I'm looking for a way of automating this in
    an Excel w/sheet.

    Is there some way of combining the Rank() function with Database fns?
    A complicating factor is the fact that a given pilot may have n flights
    over the season, where 1 <= n <= 10, say.. Maybe a Subtotal() fn could
    be used.

    Before I reinvent the wheel, I'd be grateful for any suggestions.


  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Best 4 scores

    Assuming the scores are in A1:A10, just use


    which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
    just Enter.

    and then rank those values.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)

    "Nigel Greenwood" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > At our gliding (soaring) club we record club members' flights, scoring
    > them according to a complex formula based on handicap, distance,
    > height, etc. At the end of the season a grand total score is
    > calculated for each member by totalling his/her 4 best (ie
    > highest-scoring) flights. I'm looking for a way of automating this in
    > an Excel w/sheet.
    > Is there some way of combining the Rank() function with Database fns?
    > A complicating factor is the fact that a given pilot may have n flights
    > over the season, where 1 <= n <= 10, say.. Maybe a Subtotal() fn could
    > be used.
    > Before I reinvent the wheel, I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
    > Nigel

  3. #3
    Gary''s Student

    RE: Best 4 scores

    Hi Nigel:

    If a members scores are in A1 thru A10, then try:

    Gary's Student

    "Nigel Greenwood" wrote:

    > At our gliding (soaring) club we record club members' flights, scoring
    > them according to a complex formula based on handicap, distance,
    > height, etc. At the end of the season a grand total score is
    > calculated for each member by totalling his/her 4 best (ie
    > highest-scoring) flights. I'm looking for a way of automating this in
    > an Excel w/sheet.
    > Is there some way of combining the Rank() function with Database fns?
    > A complicating factor is the fact that a given pilot may have n flights
    > over the season, where 1 <= n <= 10, say.. Maybe a Subtotal() fn could
    > be used.
    > Before I reinvent the wheel, I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
    > Nigel

  4. #4
    Nigel Greenwood

    Re: Best 4 scores

    Gary''s Student wrote:
    > Hi Nigel:
    > If a members scores are in A1 thru A10, then try:
    > =SUM(LARGE(A1:A10,{1,2,3,4}))

    Thanks for the speedy response, Bob & Gary.

    This would be an excellent method if I knew that each member has 10
    scores -- but a given member might have only 1 score, or maybe 6. I'd
    like to design the w/sheet to be as general as possible, & avoid having
    to type in new formulas each time for each member!

    I noticed that if you filter a list one of the display options is "top
    10": could I modify that in some way? It seems that if I filter on a
    member's name, then select "top 4" to filter the scores, the top 4
    refer to the entire (unfiltered) list, not just that member's scores.


  5. #5
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Best 4 scores

    The try this


    and this really is an array formula.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)

    "Nigel Greenwood" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Gary''s Student wrote:
    > > Hi Nigel:
    > >
    > > If a members scores are in A1 thru A10, then try:
    > >
    > > =SUM(LARGE(A1:A10,{1,2,3,4}))

    > Thanks for the speedy response, Bob & Gary.
    > This would be an excellent method if I knew that each member has 10
    > scores -- but a given member might have only 1 score, or maybe 6. I'd
    > like to design the w/sheet to be as general as possible, & avoid having
    > to type in new formulas each time for each member!
    > I noticed that if you filter a list one of the display options is "top
    > 10": could I modify that in some way? It seems that if I filter on a
    > member's name, then select "top 4" to filter the scores, the top 4
    > refer to the entire (unfiltered) list, not just that member's scores.
    > Nigel

  6. #6
    Nigel Greenwood

    Re: Best 4 scores

    Bob Phillips wrote:
    > The try this
    > =SUM(LARGE(A1:A10,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&MIN(4,COUNT(A1:A10))))))
    > and this really is an array formula.

    Thanks, Bob -- just what I was looking for. All these years, & I'm
    still learning how to use Excel!


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