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Linking Colums???

  1. #1

    Linking Colums???

    I have created a spreadsheet with Cost Codes. Each code has a small
    description. I would like to know if there is away to set up the spreadsheet
    where I type the code and it automatically fills in another cell with the
    description instead of typing it in everytime. I hope this makes sense.

  2. #2

    RE: Linking Colums???

    I think you could use lookup function.
    for example
    Input your code and description under D & E column.
    Select Insert >Name > Define (select the range of the code and its
    description) type table and click OK
    Column A, you input code and Column b, you add the following formula at cell
    copy the above formula down.
    Hope it helps

    "Andrea" wrote:

    > I have created a spreadsheet with Cost Codes. Each code has a small
    > description. I would like to know if there is away to set up the spreadsheet
    > where I type the code and it automatically fills in another cell with the
    > description instead of typing it in everytime. I hope this makes sense.
    > --
    > Andrea

  3. #3
    Tim M

    RE: Linking Colums???

    Could make a table hidden somehwere in your workbook that contains the cost
    codes and the proper description next to it. You would then use the VLookup
    command in the cell where you want the actual descriptions to appear. The
    VLookup will look at the cell you have put the code in, then it will go and
    look at the table and pick up the proper description from your table and put
    it in the cell the Vlookup formula is in.

    For example: I have the following formula in a cell I want the desription
    to automatically appear. =VLOOKUP($A1,G1:H3,2,FALSE)

    $A1 is the cell you type the code
    G1:H3 is the table where you have the codes and then descriptions listed.
    2 is the that will return your description (since in your table column1 =
    the code, column 2 = the description.)
    FALSE (don't worry about this part)

    Experiment with this and see if it helps.

    "Andrea" wrote:

    > I have created a spreadsheet with Cost Codes. Each code has a small
    > description. I would like to know if there is away to set up the spreadsheet
    > where I type the code and it automatically fills in another cell with the
    > description instead of typing it in everytime. I hope this makes sense.
    > --
    > Andrea

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