Hello to you all,

I have got some VBA code that allows a user (mainly me) to select a folder
on which I will do some renaming en converting of data. (also in VBA-excel)

Folder structure can be eg:

If you select DFolder ... my code will do its thing on all Efolders.
Efolder is always the same structure (contains alos subfolder) but amount of
Efolders can vary.

If user selects Bfolder or Cfolder my code doesn't work because I only look
one subfolder deep.

I have used the following code to look into subfolder:

Dim fl
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(FolderName) ' FolderName is retrieved by some
other code
Set fc = f.SubFolders
For Each f1 In fc
'Do my thing

Is there a variable in VBA or this object which tells you how deep the
folders list is?
In other words ... how many subfolder levels there are?

Or is this done by going down the path of subfolders and just count it your


Is there an object/dialog within VBA that show you the folder tree structure
and allows you to select / deselect folders on which you can run your code.

(if possible ... for Excel2000 or show me the way for ExcelXP and I will try
to translate it)

Many Thanks in Advance
