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Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

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  1. #1

    Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

    Several of my toolbar buttons are associated with macros. Whenever I
    update the toolbars I copy my .xlb file to the other 2 or 3 machines I
    work on. However my Personal.xls file is not located in the same
    folder on each machine. Consequently after copying the new .xlb file
    across to the other machines, I have to re-point each button to the
    correct macro. Is there an easier way of doing this - eg. with some
    specific macro?

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

    Your life will become much simpler if you include code to create the toolbar
    when the workbook is opened and include code to destroy the toolbar when the
    workbook is closed.

    For additions to the worksheet menu bar, I really like the way John Walkenbach
    does it in his menumaker workbook:

    Here's how I do it when I want a toolbar:
    (from Debra Dalgleish's site)

    pmatziaris wrote:
    > Several of my toolbar buttons are associated with macros. Whenever I
    > update the toolbars I copy my .xlb file to the other 2 or 3 machines I
    > work on. However my Personal.xls file is not located in the same
    > folder on each machine. Consequently after copying the new .xlb file
    > across to the other machines, I have to re-point each button to the
    > correct macro. Is there an easier way of doing this - eg. with some
    > specific macro?


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

    Dear, Dave first of all, i want to thank you about your reply.
    I try to create a toolbar following the instructions of the webpage
    "http://www.contextures.com/xlToolbar02.html" but i have two problems:
    1) i can't change (and keep changed) the icons of toolbar' s buttons
    which contains my macros
    2) in the same toolbar i want to include severals buttons of standards
    toolbars of excel together with my custom buttons(which contains

    Can you tell me please, how can i solve my above problems?

  4. #4
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

    I usually use this routine to build a set of macros that should be run in a
    particular order--so I like those numeric icons.

    But there are lots of button faces built into excel.

    Jim Rech has a utility called BtnFaces.zip
    that you can use to pick out the id number.

    John Green as his version at the same site that's called CBList.zip.

    This kind of routine adds an icon from a built in menu:

    Option Explicit
    Sub testme()

    On Error Resume Next
    Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls("Format Painter").Delete
    On Error GoTo 0

    With CommandBars("mytoolbarname")
    With .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, temporary:=True)
    .Caption = "Format Painter"
    .FaceId = Application.CommandBars("standard") _
    .OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!formatpainter"
    End With
    End With

    End Sub
    Sub FormatPainter()
    End Sub

    And you can find the id number by using a line like:
    MsgBox Application.CommandBars("standard").Controls("format painter").ID

    pmatziaris wrote:
    > Dear, Dave first of all, i want to thank you about your reply.
    > I try to create a toolbar following the instructions of the webpage
    > "http://www.contextures.com/xlToolbar02.html" but i have two problems:
    > 1) i can't change (and keep changed) the icons of toolbar' s buttons
    > which contains my macros
    > 2) in the same toolbar i want to include severals buttons of standards
    > toolbars of excel together with my custom buttons(which contains
    > macros).
    > Can you tell me please, how can i solve my above problems?


    Dave Peterson

  5. #5
    David McRitchie

    Re: Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

    What Dave referenced is to purposely create the toolbar when the macro with Open is invoked and purposely removes the toolbar when
    finished. Useful with a set of macros that you distribute to others.

    If you just want to permanently keep your toolbars then you can create them
    Toolbars, Custom Buttons and Menus
    (Working with MS Excel Toolbars, Custom Buttons and Menus)

    You might also take a look at John Walkenbach's Menu Maker tip 53
    where you layout the menus on a spreadsheet,
    you can make the menus permanent by deactivating the macro that
    takes it down.

    David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
    My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
    Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

    "pmatziaris" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > Dear, Dave first of all, i want to thank you about your reply.
    > I try to create a toolbar following the instructions of the webpage
    > "http://www.contextures.com/xlToolbar02.html" but i have two problems:
    > 1) i can't change (and keep changed) the icons of toolbar' s buttons
    > which contains my macros
    > 2) in the same toolbar i want to include severals buttons of standards
    > toolbars of excel together with my custom buttons(which contains
    > macros).
    > Can you tell me please, how can i solve my above problems?

  6. #6

    Re: Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

    First of all I want to thank all that they tried with their e-mails to
    help me. Also I want to stress in all that I know a few things about
    the VBA and cannot modify the routines that you send to me also what
    for some simple perhaps reason they do not work in my PC. My initial
    (and unique) problem is that I do not want each time where I copy the
    excel.xlb in other PC or in other User to change manualy the path in
    which it is found the personal.xls for each button of my toolbars
    separately. Finally, I can't occupy which way is useful in toolbars the
    "John Walkenbach's Menu Maker tip 53" that does show how can somebody
    create custom menus?

    P.s. : I apologize for the bad knowledge of English language. At least,
    I hope you understand the meaning of my written.

  7. #7
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

    I think if you want customized options, you're going to have to be willing to
    experiment a little and try to make it work.

    The alternative is to live with the standards that you find in those addins.

    pmatziaris wrote:
    > First of all I want to thank all that they tried with their e-mails to
    > help me. Also I want to stress in all that I know a few things about
    > the VBA and cannot modify the routines that you send to me also what
    > for some simple perhaps reason they do not work in my PC. My initial
    > (and unique) problem is that I do not want each time where I copy the
    > excel.xlb in other PC or in other User to change manualy the path in
    > which it is found the personal.xls for each button of my toolbars
    > separately. Finally, I can't occupy which way is useful in toolbars the
    > "John Walkenbach's Menu Maker tip 53" that does show how can somebody
    > create custom menus?
    > P.s. : I apologize for the bad knowledge of English language. At least,
    > I hope you understand the meaning of my written.


    Dave Peterson

  8. #8
    David McRitchie

    Re: Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file

    Hi ------,
    You should be aware that you should recreate your toolbars
    for *each* machine, not copy them among machines.

    If you are going to transport your toolbars among your own
    machines, try to make sure things are the same:
    1) Same version of Excel, or you will probably get a bloated XLB file,
    like maybe 10 times the size over a period of time.
    2) Same pathname to your personal.xls, Excel remembers even if
    you don't.
    3) Only download and upload the xlb file when Excel is down,
    Backup of an application should always be done with the application
    down unless the backup is provided for in the application itself.
    4) Above all don't put your XLB file on someone else's machine.
    Just like you would not put your browser bookmarks on someone
    else's machine.

    Keep in mind that Excel saves the XLB file every time that Excel is
    closed. In fact that allows you to do an emergency recovery if
    you mess up your toolbars as long as you haven't closed or terminated

    Also keep in mind that Excel cannot have two workbooks with the same name
    open at the same time, and that applies to your personal.xls file, this is
    probably the source of most of your problems. Though with #4 you could
    have a lot more at risk than a tool bar.

    I would suggest that you run the macro found on my barhopper.htm page so that
    can at least have a map of your toolbar layouts and icons, and can print it for reference.
    Be aware that your own icons all have the same icon number through Excel 2002.
    Barhopper -- fixup for Restored Toolbars, and -- Listing of Menu Items
    http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel...barhopping.txt (debug version)
    http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel...rhopper_ws.txt (worksheet version)

    Also do a screen print of you toolbar layout, print it and store it in a filing cabinet.
    I was glad to have had that a layout of my desktop on several occasions.

    If you don't like the way something works and you have the code as with most
    help in these newsgroups where macros are concerned and with many
    of the add-ins, you can change it (experiment). If your modification works
    you have just become a programmer (or the new buzzword "Developer").
    somewhat for addins.

    If language is a major concern there are several language newsgroups
    for instance there is a German newsgroup:
    other international groups:
    Though I think you will get a wider range of experience, and help around
    the clock (around the world) more in the English language newsgroups.
    David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
    My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
    Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

    "pmatziaris" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > First of all I want to thank all that they tried with their e-mails to
    > help me. Also I want to stress in all that I know a few things about
    > the VBA and cannot modify the routines that you send to me also what
    > for some simple perhaps reason they do not work in my PC. My initial
    > (and unique) problem is that I do not want each time where I copy the
    > excel.xlb in other PC or in other User to change manualy the path in
    > which it is found the personal.xls for each button of my toolbars
    > separately. Finally, I can't occupy which way is useful in toolbars the
    > "John Walkenbach's Menu Maker tip 53" that does show how can somebody
    > create custom menus?
    > P.s. : I apologize for the bad knowledge of English language. At least,
    > I hope you understand the meaning of my written.

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