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numerical integration

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    numerical integration

    I've been using excel for some math analysis and came to a stop when I found that excel did not have an integration function

    I'm not asking for anything fancy. Numerical integration using the trapezoidal rule would do.

    I have some foggy ideas how to go about this. Here goes.
    Write the integration function in qbasic(a primitive language but still good enough) then tell qbasic to make a file containing the data that is needed. Then excel SOMEHOW looks at this file and pastes the data into the cells.

    Is there a better way?? or how does one implement the above method?

    addition to this post
    on this site i found somewhat of a solution to the probelm


    but this is far too crude. That method uses up a great deal of cells. For my needs I could program that into excel right now but I would use well over 10,000 cells to do it. I want the value of the definite integral to be displayed in a cell, but that value is the result of the differance between lower and upper limit being divided into at least 100 intervals Of course that only applies if the original function can not be integrated by the elementary functions.
    That is why I though of using Qbasic as sort of a quick and dirty way to do the hard core math behind excel's back and then just inserting the results into excel.

    What about VBA?
    Last edited by integreat; 05-09-2006 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #2

    RE: numerical integration

    I ran a search in this newgroup for integration.

    Niek Otten provides a link in response to a question perhaps similar to yours.



    "integreat" wrote:

    > I've been using excel for some math analysis and came to a stop when I
    > found that excel did not have an integration function
    > I'm not asking for anything fancy. Numerical integration using the
    > trapezoidal rule would do.
    > I have some foggy ideas how to go about this. Here goes.
    > Write the integration function in qbasic(a primitive language but still
    > good enough) then tell qbasic to make a file containing the data that is
    > needed. Then excel SOMEHOW looks at this file and pastes the data into
    > the cells.
    > Is there a better way?? or how does one implement the above method?
    > --
    > integreat
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > integreat's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34282
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=540492

  3. #3
    David J. Braden

    Re: numerical integration

    Hi. This should do it. This is something I haven't yet finished up. You
    might also do a Find for "HOWDY" to go beyond trapezoidal.

    Dave Braden

    A Worksheet-based Solution
    Suppose your x-values are in a column-range you named Xpts, and the
    corresponding y-values are in a columns-range Ypts. What is the area
    under the curve? To keep the following worksheet formula short, choose
    Insert/Name/Define, and set "Pnls" to be =COUNT(Xpts)-1. This is the
    number of panels formed by successive pairs of (x1,x2) points.
    Alternatively, you can enter the formula into a cell, and then
    Insert/Name/Define that cell to be Pnls.

    Next, enter this function into a convenient cell:


    The values in Xpts must be nondecreasing (e.g., 1.2, 2.3, 2.3, 3.0, 4.0)
    or all non-increasing (e.g., 5.2, 4.0, 4.0, 3.1, 2.5). You can build in
    some error-checking for this by modifying the above formula to


    where "IsWeakMonotone" is the name of a cell containing the
    array-entered formula

    Remember, to enter an array formula, hold ctrl-shift when pressing Enter.

    This is a (theoretically) exact solution to the problem. It sums up the
    areas of the individual trapezoids formed by the panels. To get a
    graphic feel for this, and where we're headed below, try it!

    If Xpts forms a *row* range, adjust the corresponding OFFSETs above for
    Xpts to OFFSET(Xpts,0,1,0,Pnls) and OFFSET(Xpts,0,0,0,Pnls). Do
    similarly for Ypts as needed. If one is a row and the other a column,
    use Excel's TRANSPOSE function (see Excel's Help if you are unfamiliar
    with this); I'd recommend using it on the row-oriented range in the
    Named Definition.

    A VBA Solution
    If you want a more flexible solution, you can use the following VBA
    (Visual Basic for Applications) code. It checks for weak monotonicity of
    Xpts, and other potential problems. This code has been tested for Excel
    versions 9 and later; earlier versions of Excel may require some
    editing. To use, enter into a convenient cell
    =TrapezIntegrate(Xpts,Ypts) where each of the arguments is either a
    single-row or single-column range of cells that evaluate to numbers
    Optional arguments let you determine the area under part of the curve.

    Option Explicit

    ' TrapezIntegrate
    ' For given arrays of (x,y) pts, determine integral,
    ' assuming pts connected by straight lines, and that
    ' the x-values are nondecreasing.
    ' David J. Braden
    ' 2002 March 13
    Function TrapezIntegrate(Xin As Variant, Yin As Variant, _
    Optional LowX As Double = -1E+307, Optional HighX As Double =
    1E+307 _
    ) As Variant

    Dim lNumPts As Long, l As Long
    Dim lLoPart As Long, lHiPart As Long
    Dim bNegInt As Boolean
    Dim dDelta As Double, dSum As Double
    Dim Xpts, Ypts 'variants

    On Error Resume Next

    If Not MakeVect(Xin, Xpts) Then
    TrapezIntegrate = Xpts 'return w/ error
    Exit Function
    End If
    lNumPts = UBound(Xpts)
    If Not MakeVect(Yin, Ypts) Then
    TrapezIntegrate = Ypts 'return w/ error
    Exit Function
    ElseIf (lNumPts <> UBound(Ypts)) Or (lNumPts < 2) Then
    TrapezIntegrate = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
    End If
    If LowX > HighX Then 'switch them
    dDelta = HighX: HighX = LowX: LowX = dDelta: bNegInt = True
    End If
    If HighX < Xpts(1) Or LowX > Xpts(lNumPts) Then
    TrapezIntegrate = CVErr(xlErrNum)
    Exit Function
    End If
    If LowX < Xpts(1) Then
    LowX = Xpts(1)
    lLoPart = 1
    lLoPart = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(LowX, Xpts, 1)
    End If
    If HighX > Xpts(lNumPts) Then
    HighX = Xpts(lNumPts)
    lHiPart = lNumPts - 1
    lHiPart = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(HighX, Xpts, 1)
    If lHiPart = lNumPts Then lHiPart = lHiPart - 1
    End If

    'check that Xpta and Ypts numeric outside of range to be integrated
    'the interior pots will be checked during integration
    With Application.WorksheetFunction
    For l = 1 To lLoPart
    If Not (.IsNumber(Xpts(l)) And .IsNumber(Ypts(l))) Then
    TrapezIntegrate = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
    End If
    For l = lHiPart + 1 To lNumPts
    If Not (.IsNumber(Xpts(l)) And .IsNumber(Ypts(l))) Then
    TrapezIntegrate = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
    End If
    End With
    If lLoPart = lHiPart Then 'points are in the same partition
    dSum = (LinTerp(LowX, Xpts(lLoPart), Xpts(lLoPart + 1),
    Ypts(lLoPart), Ypts(lLoPart + 1)) _
    + LinTerp(HighX, Xpts(lLoPart), Xpts(lLoPart + 1),
    Ypts(lLoPart), Ypts(lLoPart + 1))) _
    * (HighX - LowX)
    dSum = (LinTerp(LowX, Xpts(lLoPart), Xpts(lLoPart + 1),
    Ypts(lLoPart), Ypts(lLoPart + 1)) _
    + Ypts(lLoPart + 1)) * (Xpts(lLoPart + 1) - LowX) _
    + (LinTerp(HighX, Xpts(lHiPart), Xpts(lHiPart + 1),
    Ypts(lHiPart), Ypts(lHiPart + 1)) _
    + Ypts(lHiPart)) * (HighX - Xpts(lHiPart))
    For l = lLoPart + 1 To lHiPart - 1
    dDelta = Xpts(l + 1) - Xpts(l)
    dSum = dSum + dDelta * (Ypts(l + 1) + Ypts(l))
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'one of the (X,Y) not numeric
    TrapezIntegrate = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
    ElseIf Sgn(dDelta) < 0 Then
    TrapezIntegrate = CVErr(xlErrNum)
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If

    If bNegInt Then
    TrapezIntegrate = CVar(-dSum * 0.5)
    TrapezIntegrate = CVar(dSum * 0.5)
    End If
    End Function

    Private Function LinTerp(x, x1, x2, y1, y2)
    On Error Resume Next
    If x1 = x2 Then
    If x = x1 Then LinTerp = y2 Else LinTerp = CVErr(xlErrNum)
    LinTerp = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x - x1) / (x2 - x1)
    End If
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then LinTerp = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    End Function

    ' Makevect takes an array or range, and orients it as a row vector
    ' Return error if vSrc has more than 1 row and more than 1 col.
    Public Function MakeVect(vSrc As Variant, vx As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim lCol As Long, lRow As Long

    If IsError(vSrc) Then vx = vSrc: Exit Function

    If TypeName(vSrc) = "Range" Then
    If vSrc.Areas.Count > 1 Then vx = CVErr(xlErrValue): Exit Function
    vx = vSrc.Value
    vx = vSrc
    End If

    On Error Resume Next
    lRow = UBound(vx, 1): lCol = UBound(vx, 2)
    If lCol = 1 Then 'already have a column
    MakeVect = True
    vx = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vx)
    ElseIf lCol = 0 Then 'have a scalar or row
    MakeVect = True
    If lRow = 0 Then ReDim vx(1 To 1): vx(1) = vSrc
    Else 'have at least 2 columns
    If lRow > 1 Then
    vx = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    With Application.WorksheetFunction
    vx = .Transpose(vx)
    vx = .Transpose(vx)
    End With
    MakeVect = True
    End If
    End If
    End Function

    B) The Area with Smoothing
    Microsoft Excel apparently uses Bezier smoothing for its charts. The
    downside of this, as far as the topic at hand goes, is that even if the
    support of the function (the "X points") is monotone (i.e.,
    nondecreasing or nonincreasing), the curve might bend back on itself,
    rendering the question "what is the area under the curve" meaningless
    (or at best ambiguous). To see this, enter into A1:A5 the values 1, 2,
    3, 3.1, 4.5, and into B1:B5 enter 1.5, 2, 1, 3, 2.5. Select A1:B5 and
    create a scatter (XY) chart. Notice how the curve "bends back" between 3
    and 3.1.
    However, the Bezier smooth is but one of many. There are two in
    particular that warrant attention: the cubic spline, and the (double)

    1) Cubic Spline
    The cubic spline is very smooth; it is far better behaved than the
    Bezier in maintaining monotonicity, yet tends, by comparison, to
    "overshoot" under when, say, the data pairs take a sudden change, as in
    Xpts = {1,2,2.1,3}, Ypts = {2,2,5,3}

    2. I Know the Function I am Plotting
    Easily the fastest way to do this within Excel is with worksheet
    functions, but see below for VBA solutions. Reference material follows.


    A) Worksheet Solutions
    Here's a way to set up your worksheet to get three popular solutions,
    all of which fall in the Newton-Cotes family. They are the Trapezoidal
    Rule, Simpson's Rule, and Weddle's Rule.

    To use Excel for evaluating the integral of, say, 2+3*(Ln(x))^0.6:

    ¥ Enter some labels:
    In cell A1, enter "X_1"
    A2 "X_n"
    A3 "NbrPanels"

    ¥ Set some values:
    In cell B1, enter 1
    B2 2.5
    B3 600

    ¥ Define some names:
    Select A1:B3, then choose Insert/Name/Create. Make sure that only the
    "Left Column" box is selected. If it isn't, you might have entered text
    instead of numbers in the right column, or mis-selected the range. Press OK.

    ¥ Choose Insert/Names/Define
    Enter each of the following names and their definitions, pressing Add
    with each entry (you can copy and paste these):
    EPanels =6*ROUNDUP(NbrPanels/6,0)
    delta =(X_n-X_1)/EPanels
    Steps =ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&EPanels+1))-1
    EvalPts =X_1+delta*Steps

    EPanels takes NbrPanels and rounds it up to the next multiple of 6. This
    isn't neccessary for Simpson's rule, which would need =EVEN(NbrPanels)
    instead, or the Trapezoidal, which needs no adjustment. It *is*
    required, though, for the more sophisticated Weddle's Rule.

    (optional) If you are interested in a trapezoidal approximation, define
    TrapWts =IF(MOD(Steps,EPanels)=0,0.5*Delta,Delta)
    For Simpsons's Rule, define

    ¥ Close the Define Names box, and in, say, cell D1, array-enter
    That is, type in the function, and hold Ctl-Shift when pressing Enter.

    In general, ctrl-shift-enter
    where f() is a legitimate Excel expression that yields a scalar numeric
    value, and MyWts is any one of TrapWts, SimpsonWts or WeddleWts.

    For the sample problem, Mathematica gives, at a higher precision than
    Excel works with, 5.94249912704062.

    ¥ NbrPanels should be at least 6 for this implementation. You typically
    achieve greater accuracy as NbrPanels increases.

    ¥ You (usually) do better, for given NbrPanels, with SimpsonWts than
    TrapWts, and better yet with WeddleWts. I don't know of a function, *as
    graphed by Excel*, which isn't best handled by WeddleWts.

    ¥ If you have "jumps" in your function, break it up at the points
    where those occur, and add the pieces.

    ¥ To keep keep your worksheet so that the calculations update with
    changes in X_1, X_n or NbrPanels, enter =Delta in some cell (say, $B$4),
    and be sure that Calculation isn't set to Manula in Excel's Preferences.

    ¥ Using a high value for NbrPanels (greater than 6^4 = 1296 or so) might
    noticably slow down your workbook's performance under certain
    circumstances. Chances are, especially with WeddleWts, you will need far
    fewer points to get your desired accuracy.

    B) VBA Solutions
    While VBA solutions are perhaps slower than worksheet-based ones, they
    offer more flexibility.

    If you want a one-time solution, then the following is quick and easy.
    Paste the code below into a VBA module, and run CalcInt (note-this uses
    a slightly modified version of Karl's post):

    Option Explicit

    Sub CalcInt()
    Dim x As Double
    x = Romberg(0, 2.5, 13)
    Debug.Print " x= " & x
    End Sub

    ' Hard-wire your function here
    Function fct(x As Double) As Double
    fct = 2 + 3 * (Log(x) ^ 0.6)
    End Function

    ' The function Romberg calculates the value of the integral of
    ' the function fct() between the limits lgr and rgr.
    ' The order of the error term is 2*Order+2, Order>=0.
    ' Karl M. Syring, 1/6/01 ([email protected])
    Function Romberg(LowX As Double, HiX As Double, Order As Long) As Double
    ReDim t(1 To Order + 1) As Double
    Dim dSup As Double, dU As Double, dM As Double
    Dim f As Long, h As Long, j As Long, n As Long

    dSup = HiX - LowX
    t(1) = (fct(LowX) + fct(HiX)) * 0.5
    n = 2
    For h = 1 To Order
    dU = 0#
    dM = dSup / n
    For j = 1 To n - 1 Step 2
    dU = dU + fct(LowX + j * dM)
    Next j
    t(h + 1) = dU / n + t(h) * 0.5
    f = 1
    For j = h To 1 Step -1
    f = 4 * f
    t(j) = t(j + 1) + (t(j + 1) - t(j)) / (f - 1)
    Next j
    n = 2 * n
    Next h
    Romberg = t(1) * dSup
    End Function

    Running the above (where the third argument of Romberg = 13) will give,
    for the particular example specified in "fct", a result comparable to
    the worksheet-based approaches using NbrPanels =2*6^5; the relative
    error is about 2E-08 among the methods.

    For more general situations (e.g., not needing to "hard-code" the
    function definition), and more advanced algorithms, contact the author
    of this note.

    3. References
    Press, et al., Numerical Recipes in C, available on-line at

    Eric Weisstein's "World of Mathematics" web page

    integreat wrote:
    > I've been using excel for some math analysis and came to a stop when I
    > found that excel did not have an integration function
    > I'm not asking for anything fancy. Numerical integration using the
    > trapezoidal rule would do.
    > I have some foggy ideas how to go about this. Here goes.
    > Write the integration function in qbasic(a primitive language but still
    > good enough) then tell qbasic to make a file containing the data that is
    > needed. Then excel SOMEHOW looks at this file and pastes the data into
    > the cells.
    > Is there a better way?? or how does one implement the above method?

    Please keep response(s) solely within this thread.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date


    I know how to do machine language programming so I guess it will take some patience to learn VBA

    Thanks for response

  5. #5
    David J. Braden

    Re: numerical integration

    You're welcome.
    Don't miss, though, the worksheet-based solutions to the problem that I
    posted in that note.

    Dave B

    integreat wrote:
    > I know how to do machine language programming so I guess it will take
    > some patience to learn VBA
    > Thanks for response

    Please keep response(s) solely within this thread.

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