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Adding or removing additonal links

  1. #1

    Adding or removing additonal links

    I have looked through the board for awhile and cannot locate the answer I

    I have a consolidated excel file that links from 2 to 13 excel worksheets
    depending on the month. What I usually do every month is copy and paste the
    links depending on how many files I need. This wouldn't be so bad but there
    are about 30,000 different links to the various tabs. It takes forever to
    copy and paste the forumla to the consolidated file linking the excel
    worksheets. Sometimes I'm in luck and the number of worksheets needed are the
    same so all I have to do is change source (which still takes time but its
    only one click).

    Any ideas on what I could do?

    Thanks in advance...

  2. #2
    Jim Cone

    Re: Adding or removing additonal links

    You could give Bill Manville's Find Link Excel add-in a try.
    It can provide a list of all the links in a workbook.
    Maybe that will do the job for you. Available here...

    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

    "Mark" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    I have looked through the board for awhile and cannot locate the answer I
    I have a consolidated excel file that links from 2 to 13 excel worksheets
    depending on the month. What I usually do every month is copy and paste the
    links depending on how many files I need. This wouldn't be so bad but there
    are about 30,000 different links to the various tabs. It takes forever to
    copy and paste the forumla to the consolidated file linking the excel
    worksheets. Sometimes I'm in luck and the number of worksheets needed are the
    same so all I have to do is change source (which still takes time but its
    only one click).
    Any ideas on what I could do?
    Thanks in advance...

  3. #3

    RE: Adding or removing additonal links

    No one has access to Zip files in the company as part of the IT policy, which
    is too bad.

    What I would like to do is have 3 excel files linked to one excel file, then
    the next month it may be 8 or 2 excel files linked to the one excel file. All
    the excel files will be in the same format. I'm sure there must be an easy
    way to add the additional links without copying and pasting 30,000 times.


    "Mark" wrote:

    > Hello,
    > I have looked through the board for awhile and cannot locate the answer I
    > need.
    > I have a consolidated excel file that links from 2 to 13 excel worksheets
    > depending on the month. What I usually do every month is copy and paste the
    > links depending on how many files I need. This wouldn't be so bad but there
    > are about 30,000 different links to the various tabs. It takes forever to
    > copy and paste the forumla to the consolidated file linking the excel
    > worksheets. Sometimes I'm in luck and the number of worksheets needed are the
    > same so all I have to do is change source (which still takes time but its
    > only one click).
    > Any ideas on what I could do?
    > Thanks in advance...

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