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format cells-how can i set by default the cell formatting

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    format cells-how can i set by default the cell formatting

    hi. how can i set by default the cell formatting to 'general' or 'number' or even 'text'?
    i mean i dont want excel to correct let's say: 1.5 to 01.may or 9/12 to 09.dec. is this possible?
    (i have some programs which export data to excel and instead of numbers in excel appear dates and i can't set the cell format before the data is exported)

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    re: format cells-how can i set by default the cell formatting

    Open a new workbook, select all the cells and format as Text (not General,
    that is what you have now). Save that workbook as a template file (file type
    xlt) in the XLStart directory.

    Think hard before you do it though, all text means that every time you enter
    a formula you will have to change the cell first to General, else it won't


    Bob Phillips

    (replace somewhere in email address with googlemail if mailing direct)

    "notrace2004" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > hi. how can i set by default the cell formatting to 'general' or
    > 'number' or even 'text'?
    > i mean i dont want excel to correct let's say: 1.5 to 01.may or 9/12 to
    > 09.dec. is this possible?
    > thanks.
    > (i have some programs which export data to excel and instead of numbers
    > in excel appear dates and i can't set the cell format before the data is
    > exported)
    > --
    > notrace2004
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > notrace2004's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=545752

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    problem not solved

    thanks... i did that and it works.. i modified the template and now the default format of the cells is text. it works fine if i open excel and i type lets say 4/4, but when i copy/paste from somewhere '4/4' i still have the same problem.. excel corrects it to 04.apr despite the format of the cell which is now text.. what can i do???

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