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Lookup formula?

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Lookup formula?

    I colums a I have values from 1 to 20 repeating seveal times. In column B I have many different values. I need a formula that with for example search for the maximum value in column B while column A = 7. Any Ideas? Thanks.


  2. #2
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Lookup formula?

    Hi Karl,

    This worked for me, however it is an array formula so you must use Ctrl
    + Shift + Enter to enter it...


    Adjust addresses to suit

    Ken Johnson

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    That formula only seems to work if the max value in column b is highest on the list for coresponding values in column a.

  4. #4
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Lookup formula?

    kwrohde wrote:
    > Ken,
    > That formula only seems to work if the max value in column b is highest
    > on the list for coresponding values in column a.

    Hi Karl,

    Either I misunderstand you problem or the formula doesn't work (as you

    Is the value you are after the same as if you filtered column A to only
    show the 7s then it's the maximum value that you can see in column B?

    Unless I'm missing something (often the case!) that is what the array
    formula returns.

    Ken Johnson

  5. #5
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Lookup formula?

    Hi Karl,

    as per usual, there was something I missed. You were right, it doesn't
    return the required maximum.

    Try this one, also an array formula...


    I'm fairly confident this one works (unless I've missed something
    again, which is sometimes the case:-))

    Ken Johnson

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    That does not work entirely.

    here is my example

    A B C D
    2 1123 1 2000
    4 5000 2 4566
    5 455456 3 1000000
    6 450000 4 45645
    8 500 5 456
    9 1000 6 643
    1 550 7 956
    3 4566 8 12
    7 956 9 10000
    1 2000
    2 4566
    3 1000000
    4 45645
    5 456
    6 643
    7 545
    8 12
    9 10000

    the formula in cell d1 is {=MAXA(IF($A1:$A18=$C1,$B1:$B18))}

    If you try this example you will see the answers in cell d5, d6, and d8 are in correct.

    the formula {=MAX(--($A1:$A18=$C1)*$B1:$B18)} returns the same result.

    I found a different solution in another forum that yields correct results

    the formula is:

    {=INDEX($B$1:$B$18,MATCH($C1&" "&MAX(IF($A$1:$A$18=$C1,$B$1:$B$18,0)),$A$1:$A$18&" "&$B$1:$B$18,0),0)}

    this formula works fine but I also need to find for example "the minimum value in column B while column A = 7"

    I assumed that i could substitute max in the formula above with min but that returns #NA.

    Any other ideas?

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