I am trying to set up a workbook which can be used for multiple projects.
Each project will have a different number of worksheets, but each one will
contain an estimate sheet. On this estimate sheet, I want to display the
main categories for each project, ie. "Demolition", "Paving", "Electrical",
etc., and under each main category I want each of the sub-categories
displayed, such as "Demolition Plan", "Proposed Paving Plan", "Existing
Paving Plan", etc. Each project will have different main categories and a
different number of them. They will also have different numbers and names of
sub-categories. Each sub-category item will have it's own worksheet with the
name of the main category on it and the item number, (for example, if
Demolition is the first main category, Demolition Plan might be item #1.10,
construction phasing might be item #1.11, Paving Plans might be #2.10, etc)
What I want to do is set up the Estimate sheet so that I don't have to touch
it and it will automatically update based on how many worksheets there are in
the entire workbook and order itself correctly based on categories and item
numbers. It will have to be able to insert or delete rows based on how many
worksheets there are. If any one has a good idea of how to get this done,
please let me know.