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Locked cells with Protect Sheet.

  1. #1

    Locked cells with Protect Sheet.

    I have a workbook with multiple sheets. In each sheet I have a range of
    cells that contain formulas. In previous versions of Excel I was able to
    lock the cells that contained formulas and then proctect the sheet (with or
    without password). This then allowed any user to input data into cells that
    were not locked without the fear of the formulas being overwritten.

    In this new version I am using the same spreadsheet as before, but it is not
    allowing me to put in the data unless I un-protect the sheet first. If I do
    that, it opens up the rest of the sheet and the fomulas could be over typed.

    Any ideas of how I can prevent this?

  2. #2
    Barb Reinhardt

    RE: Locked cells with Protect Sheet.

    On an unprotected worksheet, select FORMAT CELLS and choose LOCKED for the
    cells you don't want people to edit and UNLOCKED for ones that you want
    edited. I believe the default value for all is LOCKED. Then protect the
    sheet with TOOLS -> PROTECT SHEET.

    "ness" wrote:

    > I have a workbook with multiple sheets. In each sheet I have a range of
    > cells that contain formulas. In previous versions of Excel I was able to
    > lock the cells that contained formulas and then proctect the sheet (with or
    > without password). This then allowed any user to input data into cells that
    > were not locked without the fear of the formulas being overwritten.
    > In this new version I am using the same spreadsheet as before, but it is not
    > allowing me to put in the data unless I un-protect the sheet first. If I do
    > that, it opens up the rest of the sheet and the fomulas could be over typed.
    > Any ideas of how I can prevent this?

  3. #3

    RE: Locked cells with Protect Sheet.

    Thanks for this, that is exactly how I would normally do it, except I did not
    read the pop up box after selecting Protect sheet option. It asks "Allow all
    users of this worksheet to:" and then as the default "select locked cells"
    and "select unlocked cells" are both ticked. I only want users to be allowed
    to select unlocked cells.

    I have tried and tested this now and I am happy with the results, as not
    only is the formula safe from deletion, but it does not allow the user to
    click anywhere on the locked cells. Where as on previous versions it would
    have come up with a pop up message saying that you cannot paste here as the
    cells are protected, then you would have to click on the ok message. This way
    is a lot more tidy!

    "Barb Reinhardt" wrote:

    > On an unprotected worksheet, select FORMAT CELLS and choose LOCKED for the
    > cells you don't want people to edit and UNLOCKED for ones that you want
    > edited. I believe the default value for all is LOCKED. Then protect the
    > sheet with TOOLS -> PROTECT SHEET.
    > "ness" wrote:
    > > I have a workbook with multiple sheets. In each sheet I have a range of
    > > cells that contain formulas. In previous versions of Excel I was able to
    > > lock the cells that contained formulas and then proctect the sheet (with or
    > > without password). This then allowed any user to input data into cells that
    > > were not locked without the fear of the formulas being overwritten.
    > >
    > > In this new version I am using the same spreadsheet as before, but it is not
    > > allowing me to put in the data unless I un-protect the sheet first. If I do
    > > that, it opens up the rest of the sheet and the fomulas could be over typed.
    > >
    > > Any ideas of how I can prevent this?

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