I need to be able to import data from one excel sheet to another.

Usually I use the following SQL to pull back data from the spreadsheet I want.

select count(F14) from [Data spreadsheet$] where F14 = '1'

However, now the value that is stored in F14 (the field for which I need for the where clause) is generated from a countif statement:

Cell value for rows in F14= COUNTIF(Q1582 : DU1582,"Correct"). In the spreadsheet that I am pulling the data from (Data Spreadsheet), this then puts a 1 if the countif brings back one count.

However when I try and pull this back using the following syntax in my query (where F14 = '1') it will not pick it up.

So when I do a Select * from the spreadsheet, it is bringing back null values for the F14 column even though they have a '1' in them. So I presume my SQL or settings are not recognising it because it is put in the cell from the countif function.

Any help would be great!!
