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Delete multiple files from a folder using an Access Database

  1. #1

    Delete multiple files from a folder using an Access Database

    Good Morning All,

    I am not sure if I am posting this in the right place, but please bear
    with me.

    I am trying to run a db query to quickly populate a database with
    filenames from a folder on my hard drive. Then in turn I would like to
    be able to delete files from the folder, based on my deletes in the

    I hope that this makes sense. I am currently using the following code
    in the Visual Basic editor to populate my table with the necessary

    Sub GetGameFiles()
    Dim strFile As String
    Dim strFolder As String
    Dim strSQL As String

    strFolder = "C:\path\to\thefile\iwantadded\tothisdb\"
    strFile = Dir(strFolder & "*.*")
    Do While Len(strFile) > 0
    strSQL = "INSERT INTO gamenames (gamefilename) " & _
    "VALUES (" & Chr$(34) & strFile & Chr$(34) & ")"
    CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
    strFile = Dir()

    End Sub

    I am currently running Access 2003. I also thought about trying this
    with Excel 2003

    If anyone can offer assistance it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Devon L.

  2. #2
    Michael H

    RE: Delete multiple files from a folder using an Access Database


    Is there any other reason you are placing the filenames into a table first?
    Why not just delete the files within the Do While loop?

    Just replace this:
    strSQL = "INSERT INTO gamenames (gamefilename) " & _
    "VALUES (" & Chr$(34) & strFile & Chr$(34) & ")"
    CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

    With this:
    Kill strFolder & strFile

    Or, if you need the filenames in a table for some additional reason, just
    insert my line of code right before this one:
    strFile = Dir()


    "[email protected]" wrote:

    > Good Morning All,
    > I am not sure if I am posting this in the right place, but please bear
    > with me.
    > I am trying to run a db query to quickly populate a database with
    > filenames from a folder on my hard drive. Then in turn I would like to
    > be able to delete files from the folder, based on my deletes in the
    > database.
    > I hope that this makes sense. I am currently using the following code
    > in the Visual Basic editor to populate my table with the necessary
    > data:
    > Sub GetGameFiles()
    > Dim strFile As String
    > Dim strFolder As String
    > Dim strSQL As String
    > strFolder = "C:\path\to\thefile\iwantadded\tothisdb\"
    > strFile = Dir(strFolder & "*.*")
    > Do While Len(strFile) > 0
    > strSQL = "INSERT INTO gamenames (gamefilename) " & _
    > "VALUES (" & Chr$(34) & strFile & Chr$(34) & ")"
    > CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
    > strFile = Dir()
    > Loop
    > End Sub
    > I am currently running Access 2003. I also thought about trying this
    > with Excel 2003
    > If anyone can offer assistance it would be greatly appreciated.
    > Thank you.
    > Devon L.

  3. #3

    Re: Delete multiple files from a folder using an Access Database

    what's wrong with storing them in a database?

    why try to change the guys requirements?

    sure there is a risk of having 'out of date' information

    using a tool like SQL Server instead of a crutch like MDB would make
    this a lot easier.

    you could even populate the list of files / folders through a simpe
    recursive DOS command.

    SQL beats VB any day of the week (for complexity, performance,
    stability, etc)

    Michael H wrote:
    > Hi.
    > Is there any other reason you are placing the filenames into a table first?
    > Why not just delete the files within the Do While loop?
    > Just replace this:
    > strSQL = "INSERT INTO gamenames (gamefilename) " & _
    > "VALUES (" & Chr$(34) & strFile & Chr$(34) & ")"
    > CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
    > With this:
    > Kill strFolder & strFile
    > Or, if you need the filenames in a table for some additional reason, just
    > insert my line of code right before this one:
    > strFile = Dir()
    > -Michael
    > "[email protected]" wrote:
    > > Good Morning All,
    > >
    > > I am not sure if I am posting this in the right place, but please bear
    > > with me.
    > >
    > > I am trying to run a db query to quickly populate a database with
    > > filenames from a folder on my hard drive. Then in turn I would like to
    > > be able to delete files from the folder, based on my deletes in the
    > > database.
    > >
    > > I hope that this makes sense. I am currently using the following code
    > > in the Visual Basic editor to populate my table with the necessary
    > > data:
    > >
    > > Sub GetGameFiles()
    > > Dim strFile As String
    > > Dim strFolder As String
    > > Dim strSQL As String
    > >
    > > strFolder = "C:\path\to\thefile\iwantadded\tothisdb\"
    > > strFile = Dir(strFolder & "*.*")
    > > Do While Len(strFile) > 0
    > > strSQL = "INSERT INTO gamenames (gamefilename) " & _
    > > "VALUES (" & Chr$(34) & strFile & Chr$(34) & ")"
    > > CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
    > > strFile = Dir()
    > > Loop
    > >
    > > End Sub
    > >
    > > I am currently running Access 2003. I also thought about trying this
    > > with Excel 2003
    > >
    > > If anyone can offer assistance it would be greatly appreciated.
    > >
    > > Thank you.
    > >
    > > Devon L.
    > >
    > >

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