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Checking for just spaces

  1. #1

    Checking for just spaces

    In conditionally formating I want to check if the cell has just spaces

    I used the following logic

    if the length of the cell is greater than zero (multiply) if the length of
    the trimmed cell = 0. if both of these conditions are true - turn the cell
    red - otherwise leave alone. This works - however is there an easier way to
    do this?

  2. #2
    Barb Reinhardt

    RE: Checking for just spaces

    Try this is your conditional format


    I selected B15 and put a couple of spaces in it.

    "Brad" wrote:

    > In conditionally formating I want to check if the cell has just spaces
    > I used the following logic
    > if the length of the cell is greater than zero (multiply) if the length of
    > the trimmed cell = 0. if both of these conditions are true - turn the cell
    > red - otherwise leave alone. This works - however is there an easier way to
    > do this?

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Checking for just spaces

    Or (dropping the len() bit):


    Barb Reinhardt wrote:
    > Try this is your conditional format
    > =AND(LEN(B15)>0,LEN(TRIM(B15))=0)
    > I selected B15 and put a couple of spaces in it.
    > "Brad" wrote:
    > > In conditionally formating I want to check if the cell has just spaces
    > >
    > > I used the following logic
    > >
    > > if the length of the cell is greater than zero (multiply) if the length of
    > > the trimmed cell = 0. if both of these conditions are true - turn the cell
    > > red - otherwise leave alone. This works - however is there an easier way to
    > > do this?


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4

    RE: Checking for just spaces


    Thanks - That works and is essentially what I did - I compared the
    =(AND(LEN(B15)>0,LEN(TRIM(B15))=0)*1)=1 - your way is slightly easier.
    However, is there an easier way of doing this??

    "Barb Reinhardt" wrote:

    > Try this is your conditional format
    > =AND(LEN(B15)>0,LEN(TRIM(B15))=0)
    > I selected B15 and put a couple of spaces in it.
    > "Brad" wrote:
    > > In conditionally formating I want to check if the cell has just spaces
    > >
    > > I used the following logic
    > >
    > > if the length of the cell is greater than zero (multiply) if the length of
    > > the trimmed cell = 0. if both of these conditions are true - turn the cell
    > > red - otherwise leave alone. This works - however is there an easier way to
    > > do this?

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