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Automatically exporting data to a second sheet

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  1. #1

    Automatically exporting data to a second sheet

    Hi again all,

    there seem to be plenty of posts regarding this topic around here, but
    I can't find exactly what I need, if its possible at all.

    What we have is a template that gets filled out each time, then not
    normally saved afterward though we could probably change that part of
    the routine. What I need, is some information like client's names etc
    to be saved in a second sheet after the template has been used.
    Normally that template is used over and over again and each time
    cleared, then the information manually written out again in the second
    report sheet.

    Is there a possible way that after the template has been used, to get
    the second sheet to take a record of this information, the template
    cleared again and that information still kept in the report?

    Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Automatically exporting data to a second sheet


    A simple macro can be used. For example, if you have a worksheet named Record, and one named

    Sub RecordAndClear()
    Dim myRow As Long

    'Find the row to store the data
    myRow = Worksheets("Record").Cells(65536,1).End(xlUp).Row + 1

    'Get data for column 1
    Worksheets("Record").Cells(myRow,1).Value = Worksheets("Template").Range("B3").Value

    'Get data for column 2
    Worksheets("Record").Cells(myRow,2).Value = Worksheets("Template").Range("H4").Value

    'Get data for column 3
    Worksheets("Record").Cells(myRow,3).Value = Worksheets("Template").Range("G7").Value

    'Get data for column 4......
    'And so on for other cells.....

    End Sub

    I hope you can see the pattern....

    MS Excel MVP

    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi again all,
    > there seem to be plenty of posts regarding this topic around here, but
    > I can't find exactly what I need, if its possible at all.
    > What we have is a template that gets filled out each time, then not
    > normally saved afterward though we could probably change that part of
    > the routine. What I need, is some information like client's names etc
    > to be saved in a second sheet after the template has been used.
    > Normally that template is used over and over again and each time
    > cleared, then the information manually written out again in the second
    > report sheet.
    > Is there a possible way that after the template has been used, to get
    > the second sheet to take a record of this information, the template
    > cleared again and that information still kept in the report?
    > Thanks for any help

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