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Pivot Tables

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  1. #1

    Pivot Tables

    How can you prevent the loss of formatting when refreshing a pivot table.

  2. #2
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Pivot Tables

    Right-click a cell in the pivot table, and choose Table Options
    Ensure that Preserve Formatting is turned on, and AutoFormat is turned off.
    Click OK

    To format cells, enable selection should be turned on.
    To enable selection --
    From the Pivot toolbar, choose PivotTable>Select
    If it's not already activated, click on Enable Selection

    To format a section of a pivot table, e.g. subtotals --
    Move the pointer to the left of a subtotal heading in the pivot table.
    When the black arrow appears (like the one that appears when the pointer
    is over a row button), click to select the subtotal rows in the pivot
    Format the selected subtotals

    Str8 wrote:
    > Is there a way to keep the formating after you use a filter? If I

    create a
    > pivot table, add some color and adjust columns its fine. If I use a

    > after that the spacing changes and sometimes the colors revert back

    to white.
    > Seems I've always had this problem. Im currently using Excel 2003.

    hobscons wrote:
    > How can you prevent the loss of formatting when refreshing a pivot table.

    Debra Dalgleish

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