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conditional cell coloring

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Question conditional cell coloring


    I am creating a large matrix analysis of for my company. I need the value of each cell (0 to 1.0) in my matrix to be displayed in different colors depending on what value band it falls within. I need at least 6 color bands (e.g values less than 0.1 to be blue, values between 0.1 and 0.2 to be green, and so on.).

    To clarify I need the CELL BACKGROUND color to be displayed and not the text displayed according to what color band the value of the cell is.

    I know that I can do 3 background colors (color bands) with "conditional formating" but this is just not enough. I can also change the text colors with an "IF" function or "LOOKUP" and get the text to ba changed with all the colors I need.

    Does anyone know how to do this?

    or does anyone know how to specify the background color of a cell in a "funtion" [e.g."(green)" fo text color.] as I can then just drop these into my formulae.


    A quick response would be great.


  2. #2

    Re: conditional cell coloring

    phrodude wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I am creating a large matrix analysis of for my company. I need the
    > value of each cell (0 to 1.0) in my matrix to be displayed in different
    > colors depending on what value band it falls within. I need at least 6
    > color bands (e.g values less than 0.1 to be blue, values between 0.1
    > and 0.2 to be green, and so on.).
    > To clarify I need the CELL BACKGROUND color to be displayed and not the
    > text displayed according to what color band the value of the cell is.
    > I know that I can do 3 background colors (color bands) with
    > "conditional formating" but this is just not enough. I can also change
    > the text colors with an "IF" function or "LOOKUP" and get the text to
    > ba changed with all the colors I need.
    > Does anyone know how to do this?
    > or does anyone know how to specify the background color of a cell in a
    > "funtion" [e.g."(green)" fo text color.] as I can then just drop these
    > into my formulae.
    > Thanks
    > A quick response would be great.
    > Gav

    Hi Gav

    Are the coloured cells' values calculated with a formula or entered by
    a user?

    And am I correct in understanding that ONLY the colour is shown and not
    the actual value (it's the same colour as the cell)?



  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Hi Steve,

    Well the data is is entered by me the user into sheet1. This matrix is too large to use for analysis so I'm creating a summary one on sheet 2. the formula for the cells is as follows:

    ='Balance Scorecard xxxxxxxxxx'!D7

    (I've replaced my company name with xxxxxxxxxx)

    At the moment I the cells are not colored. I just desire the cell backgrounds to be colored the value/text is not important for viewing at the moment.

    So in otherwords I'd like all the higher valued cell to be colored in warm colors (red orange etc..) and all the low valued cells to be colored in cool colors(blue green etc...).



  4. #4

    Re: conditional cell coloring

    Hi Gav,

    Whilst this may not be an exact fit for what you want, it is code I've
    used to set cell colours to indicate the status of projects people are
    working on. It is in 2 sections because the version of Excel I use
    (97) does not pick up a change when a dropdown selection is used.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()

    Dim vColor As Long
    Dim fColor As Long
    Dim vPattern As Long
    Dim vPatternColorIndex As Long
    Dim cell As Range

    fColor = 1
    vColor = 15
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

    If ActiveSheet.Name = "Demand" Then
    For Each cell In Intersect(Range("A3:IV3"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
    With cell
    Select Case LCase(.Text)
    Case "r"
    vColor = 3
    fColor = 2
    Case "a"
    vColor = 44
    ' fColor = 1
    Case "g"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    Case "n"
    vColor = 7
    fColor = 2
    Case "d"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case "p"
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vColor = 41
    Case "c"
    vColor = 5
    fColor = 2
    Case "x"
    vColor = 1
    fColor = 2
    Case "h"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    Case "s"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case ""
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    Case Else
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    fColor = xlColorIndexAutomatic
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End Select
    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = vColor
    cell.Font.ColorIndex = fColor
    cell.Interior.Pattern = vPattern
    cell.Interior.PatternColorIndex = vPatternColorIndex
    End With
    Next cell
    End If
    End Sub


    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Fred Newton, 2004-07-27

    Dim vColor As Long
    Dim fColor As Long
    Dim vPattern As Long
    Dim vPatternColorIndexIndex As Long
    Dim cRange As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    '***************** check range ****
    Set cRange = Intersect(Range("A3:IV3"), (Target(1)))
    If cRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    fColor = 1
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

    For Each cell In cRange
    With cell
    Select Case LCase(.Text)
    Case "r"
    vColor = 3
    fColor = 2
    Case "a"
    vColor = 44
    Case "g"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    Case "n"
    vColor = 7
    fColor = 2
    Case "d"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case "c"
    vColor = 5
    fColor = 2
    Case "x"
    vColor = 1
    fColor = 2
    Case "p"
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vColor = 41
    Case "h"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    Case "s"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case ""
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    Case Else
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    fColor = xlColorIndexAutomatic
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End Select
    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = vColor
    cell.Font.ColorIndex = fColor
    cell.Interior.Pattern = vPattern
    cell.Interior.PatternColorIndex = vPatternColorIndex
    End With
    Next cell

    End Sub

  5. #5

    Re: conditional cell coloring

    Hi Gav,

    Whilst this may not be an exact fit for what you want, it is code I've
    used to set cell colours to indicate the status of projects people are
    working on. It is in 2 sections because the version of Excel I use
    (97) does not pick up a change when a dropdown selection is used.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()

    Dim vColor As Long
    Dim fColor As Long
    Dim vPattern As Long
    Dim vPatternColorIndex As Long
    Dim cell As Range

    fColor = 1
    vColor = 15
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

    If ActiveSheet.Name = "Demand" Then
    For Each cell In Intersect(Range("A3:IV3"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
    With cell
    Select Case LCase(.Text)
    Case "r"
    vColor = 3
    fColor = 2
    Case "a"
    vColor = 44
    ' fColor = 1
    Case "g"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    Case "n"
    vColor = 7
    fColor = 2
    Case "d"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case "p"
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vColor = 41
    Case "c"
    vColor = 5
    fColor = 2
    Case "x"
    vColor = 1
    fColor = 2
    Case "h"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    Case "s"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case ""
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    Case Else
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    fColor = xlColorIndexAutomatic
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End Select
    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = vColor
    cell.Font.ColorIndex = fColor
    cell.Interior.Pattern = vPattern
    cell.Interior.PatternColorIndex = vPatternColorIndex
    End With
    Next cell
    End If
    End Sub


    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Fred Newton, 2004-07-27

    Dim vColor As Long
    Dim fColor As Long
    Dim vPattern As Long
    Dim vPatternColorIndexIndex As Long
    Dim cRange As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    '***************** check range ****
    Set cRange = Intersect(Range("A3:IV3"), (Target(1)))
    If cRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    fColor = 1
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

    For Each cell In cRange
    With cell
    Select Case LCase(.Text)
    Case "r"
    vColor = 3
    fColor = 2
    Case "a"
    vColor = 44
    Case "g"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    Case "n"
    vColor = 7
    fColor = 2
    Case "d"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case "c"
    vColor = 5
    fColor = 2
    Case "x"
    vColor = 1
    fColor = 2
    Case "p"
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vColor = 41
    Case "h"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    Case "s"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case ""
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    Case Else
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    fColor = xlColorIndexAutomatic
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End Select
    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = vColor
    cell.Font.ColorIndex = fColor
    cell.Interior.Pattern = vPattern
    cell.Interior.PatternColorIndex = vPatternColorIndex
    End With
    Next cell

    End Sub

  6. #6

    Re: conditional cell coloring

    Hi Gav,

    Whilst this may not be an exact fit for what you want, it is code I've
    used to set cell colours to indicate the status of projects people are
    working on. It is in 2 sections because the version of Excel I use
    (97) does not pick up a change when a dropdown selection is used.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()

    Dim vColor As Long
    Dim fColor As Long
    Dim vPattern As Long
    Dim vPatternColorIndex As Long
    Dim cell As Range

    fColor = 1
    vColor = 15
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

    If ActiveSheet.Name = "Demand" Then
    For Each cell In Intersect(Range("A3:IV3"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
    With cell
    Select Case LCase(.Text)
    Case "r"
    vColor = 3
    fColor = 2
    Case "a"
    vColor = 44
    ' fColor = 1
    Case "g"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    Case "n"
    vColor = 7
    fColor = 2
    Case "d"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case "p"
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vColor = 41
    Case "c"
    vColor = 5
    fColor = 2
    Case "x"
    vColor = 1
    fColor = 2
    Case "h"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    Case "s"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case ""
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    Case Else
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    fColor = xlColorIndexAutomatic
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End Select
    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = vColor
    cell.Font.ColorIndex = fColor
    cell.Interior.Pattern = vPattern
    cell.Interior.PatternColorIndex = vPatternColorIndex
    End With
    Next cell
    End If
    End Sub


    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Fred Newton, 2004-07-27

    Dim vColor As Long
    Dim fColor As Long
    Dim vPattern As Long
    Dim vPatternColorIndexIndex As Long
    Dim cRange As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    '***************** check range ****
    Set cRange = Intersect(Range("A3:IV3"), (Target(1)))
    If cRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    fColor = 1
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

    For Each cell In cRange
    With cell
    Select Case LCase(.Text)
    Case "r"
    vColor = 3
    fColor = 2
    Case "a"
    vColor = 44
    Case "g"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    Case "n"
    vColor = 7
    fColor = 2
    Case "d"
    vColor = 10
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case "c"
    vColor = 5
    fColor = 2
    Case "x"
    vColor = 1
    fColor = 2
    Case "p"
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vColor = 41
    Case "h"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    Case "s"
    vColor = 9
    fColor = 2
    vPattern = xlLightDown
    vPatternColorIndex = 2
    Case ""
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    Case Else
    vColor = 15 'xlColorIndexNone
    fColor = xlColorIndexAutomatic
    vPattern = xlSolid
    vPatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End Select
    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = vColor
    cell.Font.ColorIndex = fColor
    cell.Interior.Pattern = vPattern
    cell.Interior.PatternColorIndex = vPatternColorIndex
    End With
    Next cell

    End Sub

  7. #7

    Re: conditional cell coloring

    phrodude wrote:
    > Hi Steve,
    > Well the data is is entered by me the user into sheet1. This matrix is
    > too large to use for analysis so I'm creating a summary one on sheet 2.
    > the formula for the cells is as follows:
    > ='Balance Scorecard xxxxxxxxxx'!D7
    > (I've replaced my company name with xxxxxxxxxx)
    > At the moment I the cells are *not colored*. I just desire the cell
    > backgrounds to be colored the value/text is *not important * for
    > viewing at the moment.
    > So in otherwords I'd like all the higher valued cell to be colored in
    > warm colors (red orange etc..) and all the low valued cells to be
    > colored in cool colors(blue green etc...).
    > thanks
    > Gav

    Hi Gav

    Try this:

    Right-click the tab for Sheet2 > View Code and paste

    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    Dim c As Range
    Dim myRange As Range

    Set myRange = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 10))

    For Each c In myRange
    Select Case c.Value
    Case Is < 0.1
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 55
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 55
    Case Is < 0.2
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 5
    Case Is < 0.3
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 10
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 10
    Case Is < 0.4
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 50
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 50
    Case Is < 0.5
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 43
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 43
    Case Is < 0.6
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 6
    Case Is < 0.7
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 44
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 44
    Case Is < 0.8
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 45
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 45
    Case Is < 0.9
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 46
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 46
    Case Else
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
    c.Font.ColorIndex = 3
    End Select
    Set c = Nothing
    Set myRange = Nothing
    End Sub

    This macro will colour the cells A1:J1 depending on the value of each
    cell when the sheet is activated. The colours are selected from
    Excel's default 56 colour pallette.

    Hope this will get you started.



  8. #8
    Registered User
    Join Date

    well I got this code and it works great, just one thing this works for cell with raw data in them. My cells data comes from a different sheet with the following formula;

    ='Balance Scorecard xxxxxxxx'!D3

    how do I adjust the following code so that it works for my cells with the above input.



    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim icolor As Integer

    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2:F2,B4:F16,B19:F72,B74:F97,B99:F110,B112:F120")) Is Nothing Then
    Select Case Target
    Case 0 To 10
    icolor = 6
    Case 10 To 20
    icolor = 12
    Case 20 To 30
    icolor = 7
    Case 30 To 40
    icolor = 53
    Case 40 To 50
    icolor = 15
    Case 50 To 60
    icolor = 42
    Case Else
    End Select

    Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
    End If

    End Sub

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