Hey, I had a problem that maybe someone can help me with.

I'm trying to sort a range in a macro. The columns that compose the
range never change, but the rows will. (i.e. columns a:o, but rows may
vary from 26:400 or 26:40)

I was trying to use range(selection, selection.end(xlDown)) and
range(selection, selection.end(xlToRight))

The selection.end(xlDown) works fine, but I have a partially blank
column in the middle of my column range. It has data for some jobs, but
not all. When I do selection.end(xlTo Right), it stops at this blank.
There is however, data I need sorted on the right of this column.

Is there a way to select the same columns every time, but check for the
end of data when adding rows to the selection?

I appreciate any help.