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Basic Excel help for beinnger

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Basic Excel help for beinnger

    Is there anyway to automatically update a spreadsheet when my client updates a different spreadsheet (within the same workbook) and on the same network.

    I need to have a COUNT function to add up the total number of comments. But these comments are long strings and the count function doesnt work. Anyone have any suggestions. I figure I could use a macro but I have no idea how to use them. So any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    countif function

    hi u can try a countif function


    "<>" will count the cells that are not empty.


  3. #3

    Re: Basic Excel help for beinnger

    ernestgoh wrote:
    > hi u can try a countif function
    > =COUNTIF(D17:D21,"<>")
    > "<>" will count the cells that are not empty.
    > thanks.

    Erm, the above function will count the number of cells containing <>.
    Not what the OP asked for. It should read:


    Or an easier way of counting cells that aren't empty would be:


    As the purpose of COUNTA is to count non-empty cells, no condition is
    required. Whereas, the COUNT formula requires the <>"" which checks that
    the cell is not equal to an empty string "". Although, as this condition
    itself has to be in inverted commas, you end up with the clunky "<>"""



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