Re : Excel Range of Values Amidst Characteristic Transitions

Enter an Excel worksheet ; now that the tabulation is prepared for
(preferential) presentation, Column A is shown as follows :-

01 8.0

02 8.0

03 <A Blank Row>

04 8.0

05 <A Blank Row>

06 <A Blank Row>

07 9.0

08 <A Blank Row>

09 9.0

10 9.0

11 <A Blank Row>

12 6.5

13 6.5

14 <A Blank Row>

15 <A Blank Row>

16 <A Blank Row>

17 8.0

18 <A Blank Row>

19 8.0

20 <A Blank Row>

21 8.0

22 <A Blank Row>

23 6.5

24 <A Blank Row>

25 6.5

26 <A Blank Row>

27 9.6

28 <List continues ...>

The range of values as given above shows the following characteristics

1. The values transition from one to another (such as 8.0 to 9.0 to 6.5
to 8.0 to 6.5 to 9.6 etc) at irregular intervals.
2. The values are interspersed with Blank Rows and the number of Blank
Rows (amidst transitions or without transitions thereof) varies
unevenly (as well).

Please devise a formula that will return an array consisting of the row
numbers corresponding to the transition of values within the given
range namely, {01, 07, 12, 17, 23, 27}.

Please share your experience. Regards.