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problem with pivot table with multiple data disappearing

  1. #1

    problem with pivot table with multiple data disappearing

    Hi, I am new to pivot table. I created a pivot table with the
    "customer ID" as my row field, and "date of the month" as my column
    field. Then I selected two fields as my data. One field is the
    category of the things the customer bought and the other field is the
    price associated with the item bought. Then in the data drop down I
    can see these two fields. However, whenever I deselect one field, the
    selection drop down disappears, my table then has only one data
    dispalyed and I can't see the other field unless I add that field back
    in. Is there a way to keep the selectiond drop down there, so I can
    pick to see what I didn't select to see before? Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: problem with pivot table with multiple data disappearing

    When you uncheck an item in the Data dropdown, that field is removed
    from the pivot table layout. To see it again, you can drag the field
    back from the pivot field list.

    There's no setting where you can change this behaviour.

    [email protected] wrote:
    > Hi, I am new to pivot table. I created a pivot table with the
    > "customer ID" as my row field, and "date of the month" as my column
    > field. Then I selected two fields as my data. One field is the
    > category of the things the customer bought and the other field is the
    > price associated with the item bought. Then in the data drop down I
    > can see these two fields. However, whenever I deselect one field, the
    > selection drop down disappears, my table then has only one data
    > dispalyed and I can't see the other field unless I add that field back
    > in. Is there a way to keep the selectiond drop down there, so I can
    > pick to see what I didn't select to see before? Thanks in advance.

    Debra Dalgleish

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