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Formula for a thermometer-style status bar using 2 numbers

  1. #1

    Formula for a thermometer-style status bar using 2 numbers

    This one might be hard to explain. I'm trying to create a status bar
    (mine is shaped like a thermometer and it fills in red) where the cells
    fill in using Conditional Formatting.

    The user enters 2 numbers, the larger number for the max value of the
    thermometer (i.e. 90 degrees F, and a smaller number for the current
    status (i.e. 30C). Whatever values the user enters, the values labeling
    the thermometer should automatically fit that data, and the cells
    beside fill in with a red color.

    I currently have it working but I'm looking for a more accurate formula
    not using macros that works for a greater variety of numbers. Here is
    how it is setup now:
    - The cell next to the top of the thermometer (B8) is set to what the
    user enters for a max value (i.e. 30)
    - The bottom cell (B38) is set to 0.
    - The cells inbetween (minor ticks) use this formula:
    =B8-($B$8-$B$13)/5 (this is for B9)
    - B13 and every 5th cell below it are the major tick marks:
    - the cells to be colored, i.e. D8, are: =IF(B8-1<$G$37,1,0) where G37
    is the current value the user entered) so if the value is one
    Conditional Formatting sets the color to red, or else it stays white

    It works well for max values greater than 10, but below that the status
    bar doesn't exactly fill up to where it should. I can send you the file
    if you email me if this is unclear! Thanks!

  2. #2

    Re: Formula for a thermometer-style status bar using 2 numbers

    Still waiting for a response? A mathematician might have the answer.

  3. #3
    Florida User

    Re: Formula for a thermometer-style status bar using 2 numbers

    "VancitysFinest" wrote:

    > Still waiting for a response? A mathematician might have the answer.
    >Try http://www.datapigtechnologies.com/f...artcharts.html

  4. #4

    Re: Formula for a thermometer-style status bar using 2 numbers


    Try : http://cjoint.com/?ipoAryihn7


    VancitysFinest a écrit :
    > This one might be hard to explain. I'm trying to create a status bar
    > (mine is shaped like a thermometer and it fills in red) where the cells
    > fill in using Conditional Formatting.
    > The user enters 2 numbers, the larger number for the max value of the
    > thermometer (i.e. 90 degrees F, and a smaller number for the current
    > status (i.e. 30C). Whatever values the user enters, the values labeling
    > the thermometer should automatically fit that data, and the cells
    > beside fill in with a red color.
    > I currently have it working but I'm looking for a more accurate formula
    > not using macros that works for a greater variety of numbers. Here is
    > how it is setup now:
    > - The cell next to the top of the thermometer (B8) is set to what the
    > user enters for a max value (i.e. 30)
    > - The bottom cell (B38) is set to 0.
    > - The cells inbetween (minor ticks) use this formula:
    > =B8-($B$8-$B$13)/5 (this is for B9)
    > - B13 and every 5th cell below it are the major tick marks:
    > =ROUND(B13-$B$8/6,0)
    > - the cells to be colored, i.e. D8, are: =IF(B8-1<$G$37,1,0) where G37
    > is the current value the user entered) so if the value is one
    > Conditional Formatting sets the color to red, or else it stays white
    > It works well for max values greater than 10, but below that the status
    > bar doesn't exactly fill up to where it should. I can send you the file
    > if you email me if this is unclear! Thanks!

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