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Number of Times A Player

  1. #1

    Number of Times A Player

    I have a worksheet with columns listing each game of the season. In each column is a list of all of the players that participated that particular game. For example:
    Column "A" is first game of year and going down Column "A"is a list of all players that participated in that particular game. Column "B", 2nd game, etc.
    I need to go through the entire team showing how many games each player has played in todate for this season.
    Is there a formula that I may use to do this?

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Boston, MA US

    Assuming your range of players is A1:D10 and F1 contains the name of the person you are trying to calulate the games to date then try,


    This will only work if the person's name only appears once per game and also, if you are using just first names or you have a person with the same name i.e. John Smith or John then this will count all occurences of "John" or "John Smith".



  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SteveG

    Assuming your range of players is A1:D10 and F1 contains the name of the person you are trying to calulate the games to date then try,


    This will only work if the person's name only appears once per game and also, if you are using just first names or you have a person with the same name i.e. John Smith or John then this will count all occurences of "John" or "John Smith".


    Thank you for your help. If I may, I'd like to take your reply to another level. After doing as you had instructed, I also found that since I had copied and pasted from a website to an XL worksheet, that there was a space or two after some of the names. This was only found after I highlighted a cell and clicked after the name in the window above the worksheet. Therefore, I had to go thru the list and delete the added empty spacebar spaces from each name in order to make them all equal. I also had to adjust the font so that all names would be equal too. These are things that I would have never thought of until reading what you posted about the name situations.
    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by lsmft
    Thank you for your help. If I may, I'd like to take your reply to another level. After doing as you had instructed, I also found that since I had copied and pasted from a website to an XL worksheet, that there was a space or two after some of the names. This was only found after I highlighted a cell and clicked after the name in the window above the worksheet. Therefore, I had to go thru the list and delete the added empty spacebar spaces from each name in order to make them all equal. I also had to adjust the font so that all names would be equal too. These are things that I would have never thought of until reading what you posted about the name situations.
    Thanks again
    just for future reference the =TRIM(cell) function can be used for things like that

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