I have been having issues when trying to print an entire workbook with the page numbers.

I have 99 pages in the workbook with all of the footers set-up the same way.

Page &[Page] of &[Pages]

I have 20 sheets in the book. When I print the first 2 sheets print 1 of 99, 2 of 99, properly but when I get to the third sheet it prints 1 of 99 instead of 3 of 99. It has 33 pages so when it gets to the fourth sheet it starts a 34 of 99 instead of 36 of 99. It's like it doesn't see the first two sheets. It does that with three specific sheets in the workbook but none of the others.

Oh yeah, if I move the third sheet to the end of the workbook it happens at the end of the work book also. Instead of being 67 of 99, it starts 1 of 99 again.

Any Ideas?
