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Help out a Navy man.

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Help out a Navy man.

    I am trying to create a calendar for inspections that occur every 180, 224, 336 and 448 days. In the Navy we use Julian Dates which are basically the day of the year(i.e. Jan. 1 = 001; Feb. 1 = 030).

    I have this:


    and this allows me to calculate everything, but I also need the year to show in the chart, right now when I format the cells to show the date as 13-Feb-2007 it defaults to 1900. Somehow I need the formula above to show the year that is in (B5).

    Any ideas? Am I explaining this well enough?

    I use a scroll bar that you can move through the years with and the displayed year shows on (B5).

    Any help would be great, even if it doesn't use Julian Dates. The old way is to take todays date, convert it to Julian, add 180,224,336 or 448 , subtract 365 if needed and then reconvert back into standard form.

    Thanks in advance,
    AZAA Johnson, USN

    In case you wondered:
    AZAA - Aviation Maintenance Administrationman Airmen Apprentice

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Make cell A1 be 01/01/2007 - this can be a hidden cell.

    When you enter the Julian date for an inspection into, say, G10, have a hidden column H after it, and make H10 be G10 plus A1. When you add a number to a date, you get a date, so H10 will be the normal value for the date of the inspection. Do your date manipulations on that value, then when you want to display the date in normal terms you already have it. If you want to display it in Julian format, subtract A1 from it again and format the display cell as "number" to show it. (If it's more than 365, subtract 365 again.)

    There are two ways to do anything - The Navy way..... and the wrong way!


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