Hey guys. I need some urgent help in excel.

I have a spreadsheet that basically contains many rows with people. I need to write a macro or formula that will select the people based on 3 criteria and copy them into another part of the spreadsheet. If for example someone belongs in brooklyn (the criteria is met) and they will (the whole row) be put into the brooklyn section. In other words, one part of the spreadsheet is basically data entry. I want the macro to search (or go through the rows) and pull out people that say belong in brooklyn and insert those people into the brooklyn part of the spreadsheet. I have been breaking my head over this and cant seem to figure it out. Please help. Thanks to everyone in advance.
1 Name Borough Type Processing Date Hiring Date
2 John Smith Brooklyn Outside 01/01/07 01/01/07
3 Joe Blow Bronx Outside 01/01/07 01/02/07
4 Jane Doe Bronx JTP 01/02/07 01/03/07

IF IN (A2:E4) colums B=Brooklyn and E<>null value(has a value) , copy correcponding row into location X.

Please help. Thank you.