Hi, folks.

I'm attempting to create a spreadsheet that contains links to non-consecutive cells in another worksheet. Let me elaborate. If I put "=A1" in cell B1 and then copy that down, it will update the relative formula consecutively, i.e. B2=A2, B3=A3, B4=A4, B5=A5, etc.". Yeah, that's elementary.

What I need to do is find a way to do the same thing, but to increase the resulting link.....so that if I copied the formula down column B I would get: B1=A1, B2=A5, B3=A9, B4=A13 (in which the row value of "A" gets 4 added to it for each single row change of B.)

So we all know that a formula like =A1+4 is going to add the value of A1 to 4 instead of increasing the row value of A1 to A5. Is there a way to do this? Otherwise, I'll have to manually change every cell reference for all my formulas beyond row 1.....tedious? You bet.

Just so you know, I have looked into vlookup, indexing, and matching and they will not do what I need. The values I need to reference are on different rows than the only value I can use for the lookup. So if the value in cell A1 satisfies the data I need, it will return cell K11....something like that. Also, there are several other data items I have to reference so I can't add additional if statements to give each line a unique value. I have too many data items per section and there is the limit of seven nested "if's"

I have yet to find anything in Excel that will do something like this which I think should be fairly simple (or at least should have been added as a standard option). Any ideas?