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Sales Tax Issue

  1. #1

    Sales Tax Issue

    In our state and county, we have a 4% state s/tx.
    Our county has 3 separate 1% local option s/tx's for a total of 3% L/O, and 7% total sales tax.
    Some items now such as grocery food items are now state s/tx exempt, but are still taxed by the county.
    Posting expenses on an Excel worksheet has become difficult due to the different tax rates.
    My Question:

    Is there a way one can program different cells of the same column as to what percentage of tax should be calculated?

    Column "B":
    (B-7)=grocery item/state tax exempt but take a 3% county L/O s/tx.
    (B-8)=pet food: State & County sales/taxed @ 7%.

    How can I program cell (B-7) receive only a 3%, and cell (B-8) receive a full 7%?
    I am currently using cell (B-5) as a subtotal cell, cell (B-4) as a 7% cell, cell (B-3) as a Local Option 3% cell and cell (B-2) as a gross expense cell.

    There must be a better way for me to do this.
    Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor WinteE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Are all taxes based on the same amount, e.g. if you have petfoods for $100 excluding taxes will the total amount become $107 (100 * 1.07) ?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by WinteE
    Are all taxes based on the same amount, e.g. if you have petfoods for $100 excluding taxes will the total amount become $107 (100 * 1.07) ?
    I'm not too sure on a yes or no answer, but maybe this will clear it up.
    The individual item, AND the price of any individual item determines how much the tax rate/amt will be.
    A bottle of bleach may cost $1.00. Since it is not a food item, it will be taxed by the state & county which will include the 4% state + the 3% county s/tx for a total of 7%. We'll say the bleach will cost the customer a total of $1.07.

    A loaf of bread which may cost $1.00 is a food item so it is exempt of state 4% s/tx but is not exempt of county 3% s/tx, so therefore it is taxed at 3%, so the bread will be $1.00 + 3% s/tx = $1.03.

    Hence, the bleach will be $1.00 + 7% s/tx, while the bread will be $1.00 + 3% s/tx.

    I hope my explanation is OK. Seems like the more I try to explain it, the foggier it gets.

    I just want to know if I can program/format a cell down in a column to add either 3% or 7% to the cell that shows my s/txs.

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor WinteE's Avatar
    Join Date
    I worked out an example for you, see attached SalesTax.zip

    As I'm using a Dutch version of Excel some of my comments may seem a little odd, but that's why I translated them literal from Dutch to English.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Thank you WinteE,
    I'll see if I can incorporate that to my existing sheet.
    Actually, I list the expense items down the "A" column, "B" column is normally a total to date of all items bought in ea row.
    I put the date in the #1 row in say "D-1", click and drag across to show for 6 months of daily expenses.
    Saying this is to say I'll need to work with this to be able to incorporate it across 6 months of dates in each row.
    This too can be done but I'll just need to faniggle with it.
    Thanks much for your help.

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