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Make data more compact (with array?)

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    Make data more compact (with array?)


    I have a column of numbers. Let's say column A contains 1;2;3;4;5.
    Cell A10 egals A1.
    Cell B10 is "=2*A10+3".

    The result of B10 is put in B1. Then, Cell A10 egals A2 and the result of B10 is put into B2.

    Instead of changing A10 at each time, I would like column B to be fulfill in one single shot.

    - I know that I could juste take Column B egals to "2*AX+3" but in my case I can't.
    - I can't expand the values below B10. (B11 is took by other things that I can't move)
    - I can't do it with macros. (I know how but it is not permit)

    I tried to figure how to do this with arrays, bu tit don't seem possible.
    (It is possible, but cell B10 can't be directly the formula. I have to retype de formula of the array each time and it is too much difficult because there is a lot of operations and the size can change)

    Thank you very much,

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