Hey everyone,

I am new to these boards so please be kind .

I am at work and I can't seem to get Excel to cooperate because I'm not sure which formulas to use. Maybe someone can help.

I have 2 spreadsheets. One has a list of names of people who signed up for a free trail of a certain service. The other has names of people who registered for a certain service. I have been asked to create a spreadsheet that answers these two questions.

Of all the people that signed up for the free trial, which ones actually registered for the service?
of all the people that signed up for the free trail, which ones did NOT register for the service.

Basically, I need to look at names from the first list, see if they are on the second, and if so, write their name down. I thought this would be some sort of IF statement, but I can't get it to work.

Any ideas???