
I'm familiar with mail merge in creating standard form letters and mailing labels.

This is the deal, I have a list of guests, varying from 2-4 ppl per account. Here's a two column example:
97 - Jim Doe
97 - Phyllis Doe
5680 - Diane Black
5680 - Doug Black
5680 - Steve Black
5680 - Maureen Black
123 - Jim Spade

I would like to create single letters for each group Account# that will include all the names of each guest for that account in word. I found this article about combining records http://cornell.veplan.net/article.aspx?&a=3815 but was unable to get it to work.

Any help would be appreciated. BTW I'm using old, 2000 versions of excel and word. I could also do this in open office if that helps.