Bear with me, I will try to explain as best I can by using a simplified example.

I am trying to display the data found in a number of cells in one big (merged) cell with a line-break between each bit of information. So instance:

I have 3 rows and 3 columns with the following info:

A1 - ABC / B1 - DEF / C1 - GHI
A2 - JKL / B2 - MNO / C2 - PQR
A3 - STU / B3 - VWX / C3 - YZ

Now what I would like is for the above data to be displayed in cell E1, lets say, in the following manner:
  • ABC
  • DEF
  • GHI
  • JKL
  • MNO
  • PQR
  • STU
  • VWX
  • YZ

Hopefully that makes sense. Thank you.