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conditional formatting

  1. #1
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    conditional formatting


    OK so ive set up my conditional formatting the way i want it for the first cell in coulmn j is there a way to copy this formatting all the way down to account for the numbers in coulmn I so they will turn the right colors without having to do each individual one ive tried pulling the black + sign down but it keeps copying just what i did in the first cell for instance

    cell is equal to I2 color is green

    cell is less than I2 color is red

    i want it to copy down I3,I4,I5 etc..... but it just puts in I2 for each one when i pull the + sign thanks everyone

  2. #2
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    Select your cell with the conditional formatting, click the format painter on the standard toolbar (looks like a paintbrush), then highlight any cells you want to have the same conditional formatting.


  3. #3
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    ive tried the paint brush however my problem is im formatting based on the column to the left and the numbers change all the way down when i use the paint brush its just copying the same cell, what i was looking for was a way to get it to copy the cell # sorry example

    ive got constant changeing numbers in column J im using column K to compare J with other fields if they are equal i want the number in k to be green and if less than to be red ive figured out the formatting but ive got a list of about 200 i want the formatting to compare row 12 with j 12 and update k12 with green or red but when i use the paint brush all the way down im just comparing the number in j2 with every row i guess what im trying to say is copying this to update j2,j3,j4 with rows 2 3 4 i know im confusing my self ive been all over the internet there are similar problems just havent found a way to do this without doing each individual cell sorry for blabbing too much thanks for the reply

  4. #4
    Forum Expert oldchippy's Avatar
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    blabbing too much
    , try removing the $ sign out of the CF
    Last edited by oldchippy; 12-11-2007 at 05:16 PM.

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  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Your'e a genius thank you so much never would have thought of that saved me a lot of work

  6. #6
    Forum Expert oldchippy's Avatar
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    Glad it worked for you - thanks for the feedback

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