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Excel 2003 - formula returns error when i copy a worksheet

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    Excel 2003 - formula returns error when i copy a worksheet

    Hi! Well this has been a humdinger! It seems completely illogical.

    I have a worksheet that calculates various dates.

    You enter the date the student pack was sent out (via the post). This cell is then read by another which calculates a start date 5 working days later, taking into account a list of holidays. That cell's (I7) formula looks like this:


    A timetable containing deadlines is then created using similar formulas.

    There are multiple worksheets containing these formula and they all work fine.

    However, when I attempt to either insert a new worksheet and copy and paste the contents of an existing one into it, or, if I copy an existing worksheet, the cells that read I7 to calculate deadlines etc show the following error if you change the date the student pack was sent out:


    All the formulas are the same in the copied worksheet - so how is this error occuring?

    Please note that this file was originally put together using OpenOffice.

    I hope someone can help me with this!

    Many thanks

    Last edited by stig69; 12-20-2007 at 05:50 PM.

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