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calculate costs for the whole project

  1. #1
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    calculate costs for the whole project

    We have necessity for things to manage the company. It is the company for network installations. I have designed the sheet that I fill for every installation during the day and calculates our costs of material, work, gasoline etc and calculates our gain. Now, most of the daily installations are parts of projects that last several days. So we need to calculate costs for the whole project. I did the other sheet that would calculate it for the whole project but the bad thing is that I have to put in by hand links to various fields in various sheets for every project. Is it possible to make some macro to organize those things automatically? I want to learn VB, I just need someone to give me ideas what can be done.
    And more, later we need a database where we will search for clients that had the most rentability, the most expensive projects, the longest etc. Is it possible to make access to read from those excel sheets for that, what do I need, how to organize, what would you suggest?

    Please I need a lot of suggestions and help how to run the company production! Thanx!!!
    Last edited by Steel_lady; 02-16-2008 at 05:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    I don't think I could make any suggestions without seeing some dummy data laid out as your actual data is. I would probably suggest organising your data into a table from which yo could use PivotTables to report on each Project.
    Hope that helps.

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  3. #3
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    I don't know what are pivot tables. do you have some link for me? Can Excel be connected to Access?

  4. #4
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    PivotTable examples & tutorial here


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