Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum!

Currently I'm interning at a big record label and my project at the moment is to sift through their 7000+ names of artists and count how many times they appear in a sales record. The problem is some artists repeat with different names, for instance: Bob Marley shows up on the speadsheet as "BOB MARLEY" in one place and "MARLEY, BOB" in another place and even "BOB MARLEY & THE WAI" in another. Each one of these names of the same artist has a number that corrolates with it like 3 or 4 which stands for how many times that name is seen in the sales record. Basically my job is to find the total amount of occurences an artist has for ALL names in the sales record as well as display all of the various names that the artist is stored under. So far for my total appearances I have something like this: ----=COUNTIF(Data!A10:A44389, "*BOB MARLEY*")---- But the problem is that some of Bob Marley's storage names are stored under "MARLEY, BOB" so those aren't being counted with that function. How do I make it so that any name that has BOB and MARLEY in it is counted? Thanks in advance and once that question is answered I have another.

P.S: I am not using Excel2007

Thank you again.